
Do you think that one day Guantanamo Bay will become a touristic ...?

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...attraction, as famous as Alcatraz?




  1. No. What can this fantasy be composed of? What?, a mistaken assumption? This is merely a show of force by a less than informed, incompetent bunch of less than useful government bureaucrats too busy to verify identities and/or intensions. Left to their own devices, excluding nuclear development which must be discouraged even through military intervention in the region, the Terrorists, barring the odd well financed fanatic would be all but limited to their own turf.

  2. Only time will tell with that one.

  3. hopefully

  4. Guantanamo belongs to Cuba and was taken by the US 1898, in the Cuban American War. It should be returned to Cuba, and then they can decide what to do with it

  5. I'm not so sure-it's a nice thought, but bear in mind that under the Cuban-American Treaty of 1903, the USA has a perpetual lease on that land, and shows no inclination to give up their little concentration camp-after all, they don't torture people, remember, so how can they do it on US soil? Cuba has contested the validity of the lease pretty much since Castro took over, since it contravenes the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties-ie treaties are void if they are signed under duress or threat of force.

    Go somewhere else in Cuba, it's a beautiful place with friendly people and lots of lovely Havana Club rum!

  6. YES

  7. As Disney land is to the Statue of Liberty, thus Guantanamo Bay will be to a the World Bank Towers ...

    I'm sure they're forming an orderly line as we speak ...

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