
Do you think that only legal citizens of American should receive aid from the government?

by  |  earlier

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Why or why not?




  1. Yes........................................

  2. YES

  3. Of American what ?

  4. Yes.

    If others want assistance from my government they should receive it in their own country through America's global humanitarian services.

  5. Yes!!!

  6. h**l, I don't think LEGAL citizens should receive aid from the government except for emergency situations. Governments have no money until they first collect it in the form of taxes. Only complete fools would think we should have a moral or legal obligation to support illegal aliens. I assure you their countries would not support us!!

  7. Yes...  why should some one be rewarded for breaking the law?...

  8. Yes. Assistance was set up for American tax paying citizens not for illegals to take advantage of as they are doing.

  9. Yes, because illegal immigrants have broken at least two laws being here and should not be rewarded in any way. Illegal immigrants cost the american tax payer millions of dollars.

  10. Yes I do.  If you become a citizen of the US you will then be treated like all the other citizens.  Paying taxes toward social security, income taxes, and welfare to help the needy.  

    I don't have a problem with people on welfare, food stamps or drawing social security as long as they are legal, tax-paying citizens of the country they are recieving assistance from.

  11. Um, yes.  It is our tax money, we should be the ones entitled to it.  It would help deter illegals from coming here as well.

  12. I not only think that, I know that to be true. States have no right to take tax payer money and use it to support illegals as long as there is one needy citizen in this country.

  13. sort of i mean not only legal people but illegals to. because we are all people right but i guess legal people should have more aid instead of illegals

  14. Yes!

    First of all if someone brings a Fiancee or relative to the Country they should accept to assume all responsibility of the person FInancially

  15. Citizens and legal visitors.

    Illegal aliens and their families are criminals.  They are not part of our society, and the ratso employers who have brought those folks to this country should be made to pay for the costs of the illegal aliens, or they should go to jail.

  16. I have worked all my life and traveled to other countries in the military and as a civilian and I know of no other country that is as generous as the USA when it comes to helping people who are not citizens of their country.

    I believe in humaritaian aide but don't like to see "anchor babies" and people who have never contributed to Social Security get to collect off of their relatives accounts.

    Our country cannot even help our own homeless properly and we are just too free with government money (tax  payersP)

    Our own young people and old people are suffering

    U.S. military families are suffering from the long deployments

    Charity begins at home.

  17. Yes, since we're the ones that have paid the taxes from where the benefits come.

  18. yes, because the aid is from tax money and theyre not paying taxes so why should they deserve itt


  19. 1,000 times absolutely! why should our government support those who would choose not to become citizens or enter the country legally? look at how many folks were born here can't even get help? let those who immigrate illegally get support from there own country. better yet-deport them!

  20. YES YES YES.  LEGAL Americans are the ones that are paying taxes so they should be the ones benefiting from the government.  Illegal immigrants are the ones that are hussling the government because they don't pay anything, and that is simply unjustified and immoral.

    EDIT:  d**n why did nearly everyone that said yes get a thumbs down all of a sudden?!?  did an illegal read this lol

  21. If you are an American citizen, it usually means that you are legal- you cannot be an illegal American citizen.  Clarify your question, before you post it.

  22. No, legal non-citizens pay taxes too.  Probably more than citizens do.

  23. Well, do you think the thousands of US students studying in other parts of the world should be refused health care in an emergency? When I was studying in Buenos Aires, I needed to have my appendix removed. It was done free of charge through their health care system because I obviously could not make it back to the US in time. I was very grateful for this! If they refused to help me, I would have died. I was in college and did not have the money to pay for an operation like that.

    Also, my husband has a green card here and is a legal immigrant, he is not able to go on welfare, so he is refused that even though he pays all of the taxes for it.

  24. Yes.....cause they are legal citizens.

  25. No, I have been in this county for 10yrs illegaly and I enjoy the perks I get from your goverment. I make more here staying home than I do working in mexico.

    Thank you guys what a great county you have.

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