
Do you think that originality is just the recycling of boring ideas or things ?

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Do you think that originality is just the recycling of boring ideas or things ?




  1. That's a good question. Is anything or anyone truly original? Over the course of humanity it's very rare to find something that has never been done or said before. It's quite depressing, actually.

  2. It's true that every thought and action has already been done some where at some point, but originality occurs when something is done independantly from the status quo of any given situation.  

  3. No matter if you're the first or the 3000th, someone, somewhere will claim they have done it first.

  4. Possibly ... Originality is the resurrection of slumbered thoughts, or they are new paths formed by inspired minds to the one penultimate end.

    God Bless.

  5. Real good question. My views are like this, You are who you are, don't let anyone change you, put your own spin on different idea's, we all have freewill and with that we can make any choice, do anything, capable of what we limit ourself to. Originality is the way you take certain everyday objects, idea's, or anything else and put your own unique twist on it.  

  6. You can put it like that I suppose.  

    But to new eyes everything is original.  That's why the expression "out of the mouth of babes..."

    Every new generation of children embrace life with new fresh eyes and imagination!  How exciting that is.

    So my suggestion to you is if you want to see your old boring world in new ways or ifresh deas then talk and thrive in the imagination of an energetic child.


  7. Funny, sometimes I think if we dig deep enough we'll find that humanity has taken this cycle of advancing technology and civilization only to have natural disasters force it to square one, like a Noah's Ark event happens every 8-10,000 years.

  8. I think it was Aristotle who proposed that there were only six stories in the whole history of mankind. The only difference was how well they were told. Does simple style count as originality?

    The idea that it's just recycling stuff sure explains most the movies that came out of Hollywood in the last decade and a half. How many sequels can you name? Are there any sit-coms from the 1960's that HAVEN'T  been turned in Movies? My Favorite Martian, Beverly Hillbillies, The Flintstones, The Adams Family, Bewitched,,  

  9. I don't think this, but I am not often original either, nor do I often encounter what I consider originality.

  10. I guess you could say that- I would phrase it more like- originality is synthesizing one's personal view or twist with an old boring idea or thing

  11. no, if that were so, then nothing new would ever come about and we'd still be as advanced as apes, less even.

    the recycling of existing ideas is a lack of originality.

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