
Do you think that overweight people should be excersizing constantly?

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Ive been reading the answers some people leave for overweight people...and I'm a little overweight so it makes me feel bad, but its like they want them to do nothing but excersize.

"you should be excersizing rather than worrying about your eyebrows big girl!"

"just stop eating and excersize instead dumbass"

"at least we know your not anorexic! HAHAHA! ProAna for life!"




  1. yea, they should exercise constantly, but not excessively  

  2. A healthy body needs a healthy amount of exercise, water, sleep, nutrition, and of course plenty of clean air to breathe. Take any of those away, and you become subject to illnesses and a shorter life with poor quality. So nobody should be doing anything constantly except breathing.

    But a healthy weight is definitely a primary key to a long and healthy life.

  3. I wouldn't worry about what people on this site say. Half of the comments are mean, cruel jokes, or just total insults.

    It's easy to make fun of others on this site because everyone is anonymous and faceless.

    Should overweight people be excercising constantly? No.

    It is their choice if they want to get healthy or not, and coming here for support is a bad idea since 50% of people are just on Yahoo!Answers to mess around.

  4. Stop stressing what others say, there are so many Rude people, live your happy..and for Healthy reasons, eat healthy, fruits, veggies, proteins, like chicken, turkey, little bit of red meats, oatmeal, fiber, and yes exercise at least 30 min. a day..But do it for you..nobody else..We all have just One Life to Live, and choose it to be happy

  5. Yeah some ppl are really harsh just ignore it.If losing weight is what you feel is right,then eat healthy and run a few miles a day.The best revenge is to prove someone wrong :)

  6. I think that people who say those things are just morons.

    To answer your question, overweight people shouldn't exercise constantly, instead I would advise cardio from two to three times a week. Try jogging, or riding the bike, or join a team for a sport, like soccer. The best thing is to take it one day at a time and not overdo the exercise thing, or it won't last.

    p.s. Don't worry, it's not the end of the world to be carrying a little extra weight!

  7. No, those people are idiots. Everyone should excercise of course, but anything in excess is unhealthy. Just exercise a few times a week and eat a healthy diet, not constant exercising or starving youself ok.

  8. You can't just exercise all the time , you have to try and be healthy and live your life happily . Just don't let them put you down as long as you try your best .

  9. No, it's silly to expect someone to exercise constantly. People who post those comments are usually just ignorant and/or mean. If you're overweight, you have added incentive to be healthy, but your primary goal is to love yourself, which should also include taking care of your body.

  10. overweight people should have a guardian that tortures them when they are sitting around or eating something unhealthy

  11. wow those sound like some incredibly rude people. although i do believe that all overweight people should diet and exercise (a healthy amount, not constantly) i would never say it like that; and especially not encourage anorexia!  

  12. I'm not overweight, I'm careful about what I eat and I get just enough exercise to keep me in good health. So I think it's important to find a balance between watching what you eat and exercise. If people who exercise constantly are doing it because they like to and it helps keep them mentally healthy, I do not see anything wrong with it. I also do not see anything wrong with it as long as you are eating at the same time. It's terrible to exercise yourself to almost death because you haven't given your body enough energy from food for your body to happily cope with what you're doing. It's a real shame anyone would do that to themselves. I think it's most important that you love and take care of your body because if you don't, you'll really really regret it when your older. And you will get old, and your body will only be as good to you as you have been to it.

  13. No.

    most of the time when ppl put overweight ppl down, they jst mean that if the person doens't like how they look, they should do something about it, rather than complain.

    lets face it.

    ppl would rather see a skinny person chowing down on a big mac rather than a fat person. that's how the world is.

    but if your a little bit overweight, and your ok with it, than s***w them!

    but if you don't like the way you look, eat healthy. run a bit.

    it's that simple.

    <3 Niki Dawn Alka  

  14. exercise but live your life, its not bad being chubby, as long as your healthy ans not obease who cares? and i dont think these :proana" are heathy at all plus look at the statictics, " The average American woman is 5'4", weighs 140 lbs, and wears a size 14 dress."

  15. I know... it's ridiculous.  I mean, there are other things that overweight people need to be doing with their lives... such as living.

  16. no dear..this is depend on every each perosn..

    cause if u determine ur self than ..u can do anything...ok

    diet rules-

  17. if they want to truly change their physique regular exercise has to be incorporated into the lifestyle.  the human body is not designed to be sedentary.  the positive effects that regular exercise has on both the mind and body are endless.  everyone has 60 minutes that they can devote daily to their health.  exercise also has a cumulative effect so the more exercise that is performed over the lifespan the better off you will be.

  18. The point they're trying to make is, instead of wasting time sitting in front of the computer get out and walk.

    Sitting and typing will not make you lose weight any faster.

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