
Do you think that people can get possessed in ways that aren't violent or evil?

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Do you think that some spirits possess people just to have fun..or to try to "extend" their lives on earth?




  1. No. I don't think people can be possessed at all -the idea is completely illogical.

  2. I think a person who believes he or she is being possessed will behave in a manner consistent with how he or she thinks possessed people behave.  If that person thinks possessions are violent in nature, then that person's possession will be violent.

  3. I dont know about violent. However, any entity that would possess anothers body against thier will could not be good.

    I think good and evil are relative terms.

    But I dont think anything that meant you good would possess your body and force your will.

  4. Yes....They are called 'Walk-ins'.....They enter your body after you've had some traumatic experience....They are to follow 'their' own destiny once they have inhabited your body...Your still in your body, but now you will need to accommodate them being in yours.

    *Do a search; well worth reading...

  5. I don't know if I believe it to be for fun but I agree that people can get possessed in ways that are not violent or evil, like to reveal something.

  6. That is the very definition of Shamanism.

    By allowing various spirits and the like to enter the body of the Shaman he/she can effect cures and find out the causes of problems.

  7. No, I dony believe people can be possesed, If you do ant type of medium work you allow spirit to come through you, If you dont want it then they cant come. I think that possession is actually cases of some types of mental disorders that arent diagnosed. Ifeel bad for them some people do need meds to feel normal.  

    Yup Mercu is right I forgot about them but they too are invited and for your best interest

  8. In theory this is what trance mediums do (use to do).

    Which is allow spirits to possess them in order to communicate through the living medium. Of course this was always willing and temporary.


  9. question..never thought about it...I don't believe in ghosts and stuff..but..that'd be a good book or movie idea.

  10. I remember the 'true' story of woman who was supposedly possessed by the spirit of an old woman who previously resided in her home. The gist of it was that the old woman  was concerned that her will had not been executed properly. The young woman was used as an instrument to right the wrongs and the only way she could free herself from the old woman was to visit her grave, which had the effect of letting the old woman know that she had passed over and she then left.

    There is also the theory that people who undergo past life regression are not actually re-living past lives but are being made open to possession by the process and the regressor is communicating with spirits instead.

    I don't know what the truth is, but it is interesting.

  11. I doubt it because the violent ones seem to like the attention.

  12. no...the spirtual world wont let them..

  13. Read the label before pouring spirits out that might possess.

    Fun or extensions that derive from the bottle can be abused.

  14. It is possible, yes, it's what trance mediums do. But it's not total posession, more like a cooperation, and it's usually only done with very trusted spirit guides.

    regarding the Holy Spirit.... people are safer than they think when it comes to that sort of thing. It is darkness that wants you to believe you open yourself up to evil by opening yourself to the Holy Spirit. Mind and Will are very powerful things. You have only to believe that you are safe and that it is Heaven you are allowing in for it to be so. Feel something that makes you nervous? Tell it to go away in the name of Jesus Christ. It's that easy.

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