
Do you think that people in love are likely to be more creative ?

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  1. Probably - But look at the history of "Edgar Allan Poe"; the most creative ones are the ones who have the most unique and powerful experiences.

    Sorrow,Love,Happiness,Depression,Lonel... - the only difference is the theme but I say that the sad ones are the mostly creative given the fact that those people have more depth of thinking they have given on their emotions - Compare to Love or anything positive; they are mostly likely taking things for granted

  2. Creativity comes from the depth of pain we have encountered all of our lives.  Some don't even realize they are already creative in everything they do.  In fact, I also forget and I am an artist (painter).  

    When you are in love this can enhance your creativity or suppress your creativity.  If you focus too much on the other person or your children you begin to lose this "depth of yourself".  Creativity becomes non-existent, but you just don't see it.  

    If one can remain an individual in a relationship and also be part of the other person then the creativity will always be there.  It won't be hidden.

    Being "in love" requires a creative art different then any other art.  This is why I believe you can be more creative.  


    Great question!

  3. love sometimes kill.

    love sometimes bring you back to life.



  4. No. When I fall in love, my IQ drop by 50%.  

  5. NO! Love and revenge are the two emotions that over-power all other brain functions such as creativity, self-control, common sense.....

  6. No!  But we must look at the statistics before answering one way or the other.

    Even then I think chances are people 'Out' of love can be equally creative!  

    And so would be those 'waiting' to fall in love!!!

  7. I think being surrounded by a feeling of love in general sparks creativity and causes the heart and spirit to be uplifted. For me, that spurs creative thoughts because I tend to be one who writes "from the heart". When the heart is overflowing the creative juices seem to flow more easily...Love brings about many positive results in our lives..

  8. Romance can inspire an innovative matrix of activity to showcase the "peacock" in all of us.  Every fiber of our being is under the spell of whatever muse captures the imagination of romantic partners.  This is a genuine mirror of the inner being.  Romance defies gravity and many other confining forces.  It sets the hear Free.

  9. Indeed yes, to be in love with the world is to be supplicated in spirit, open hearted and lucid in imagination.The world becomes more beautiful and the mind refuses perception of the hateful or unwholesome.

  10. Yes.

    Because 2 heads are better than 1.

  11. yep

  12. energy of the creative impulse comes from love and all its manifestations–admiration, compassion, glowing respect, gratitude, praise, compassion, tenderness, adoration, enthusiasm.

  13. yes.

    its easier to do things.

    not much pressure held.

    and mind works better because of the presence of that factor which describes a creative person - motivation.  

  14. I think it depends on the individual person. I'm in love and very, very happy and a consequence of that is I'm not as creative as I normally am! I am much more creative when I'm consumed by darkness! They say an artist must suffer for their art and in my case it's true. Without suffering I don't have any inspiration for creativeness. I just don't seem able to write lovely, happy poetry/stories/ lyrics and my art has never had bright happy flowers and rainbows and unicorns!

    I would much rather be in love and happy than in pain and suffering to be creative!

  15. Yes when I have strong emotions for another I start writing beautiful poetry whether I am happy or sad about the other person he has inspired me to create for my emotionally feeling or connection that I feel for him and I respect him and admire him for creating his life and following what he loves to do.........follow your heart!!!

  16. What type of love are you talking about? The word love is used in so many ways that it is difficult to choose a single meaning. Worse, sometimes the meanings clash! Anyway, if you're talking about Platonic love then the answer is yes. Otherwise not.

  17. I think any extreme emotional state can inspire creativity. Love is surely one of these states.  

  18. I think they are more fulfilled.  I think they feel more freedom and peace of mind.  I think they put more care into everything they do, especially toward others.

    I have been in love with my husband for 27 years!  : )

  19. yeah. Cause they have all the reason. Each wanting to make ones happy. and each loves to give pleasure. Yeah i think so too. People in love are likely to be more creative. They are nuts and crazy...

  20. I tend to be less creative when I'm in love. I think it's because I'm distracted.  

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