
Do you think that people should be able to home with no education ?

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my friends neighbor has 6 kids one is a new born, she does not have a high school diploma or ged , she took the ged test and failed it , her kids are 5,7 ,13 ,1,2 and newborn , she decided to home school them the other day she told my friend i told my 13 daughter to ask you for help because you like math . do you think it should be illegal to home school with no education




  1.           It should be illegal if the teacher has no education. If this parent had hired a tutor to teach, it would be different, but this is not the case. The children victim to being home schooled are not only not learning with a group of children their own age, but they are also taking the large risk of receiving false information. Also, an un-educated teacher will most likely have disregard for the curriculum, so the children will not receive all the information they need when they go to collage. For example, i don't see how an un-educated teacher would be able to properly teach Algebra II or Chemistry. They would either skip parts where the knowledge isn't known or materials are sparse. Or even worse, teach the material wrong.  

  2. You must be in the US or somewhere because it IS illegal here in the UK for a child of school age to not attend school unless they are being home-schooled by a valid member of a teaching association.

    If parents do not hire a tutor or have the qualifications themselves, if their children do not attend school on a regular basis they are subject to fines and can even be jailed.

  3. I would imagine that even in America this is illegal. Home schooling, even in America, is not a large umbrella term that means you just don't seen your kids to school. There are still clear expectations of what needs to be learned or truancy will be applied to the children. My suggestion is to call social services or the school system and warm them that you don't think the children are really getting home schooling. But on the other side, be aware that many 'home schools' are now days more like just regular schools, where students study with different kids, have bands, choirs, clubs, and even will meet in large classrooms. So it can also be possible that a parent without any education can home school but not be in charge of any of the teaching- it's a very flexible term now days.  

  4. Yes I would have to agree with you, I don't know about being ILLEGAL, but I would say it shouldn't be allowable. I actually would commend her for trying to do it; although, I think she she be more educated.

  5. no, I think they should have a minimum of a high school diploma and at least an Associate degree. If they are educated enough they could be a substitute teacher (in MO an AA degree) then they should be able to home school. My SIL home schooled but her daughter was older and able to do it on her own using the computer. But to start from scratch at the youngest ages and not have an education yourself is just a disservice to the children, They will grow up to be ignorant and un-hirable. Another leech on society.  

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