
Do you think that people that are not racist are actually more evolved?

by Guest58387  |  earlier

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I was just thinking that this would make sense, because when you're not racist, you are leaving previous stereotypes from the past behind. i.e. you are becoming a more reasonable person. Furthermore, it seems as if mixed children (even though they make up a very small majority of the population) are excelling at a rapid rate. This could only happen if the people who got together were superior/more evolved in themselves. I am not saying that people that marry the same race are inferior, I am just talking about the people that are attracted to all races.

In my biology class, I learnt that by mixing genes of two races you can reduce the chances of genetic defects, and in addition, you can gain the strengths that each race evolved separately.




  1. No, they are more open and therefore less ignorant. Also, this may be a bit irrelevant but just because you do not date or have s*x with a female or a male of another race (depending on your gender), does not mean you are a racist, that just means you like your race a lot.

    I think not racist people are less ignorant and are more likely to prosper than those who make race an issue. I do not think that they are genetically more evolved.

  2. i think that being non rasist itself is more evolved mentally. people who judge are less evolved. i'm not talking about judging shoes or an outfit, i'm talking people who judge races.i married outta my race, and i had a lot of people commenting on my skin colour (i'm middle eastern) on his side, on how beautiful it is and that our kids 'hopefully'' will be fair.  i think that racism is just spritually less evolved people. if you believe in God and you believe that we are all his children. then accept it - intermix and have a hayday. why are people sooo hung up on race?

    our bodies are containers for our souls... just like a pomegranate - looks good on the outside, but on the inside there's small seeds that make up something yummy

  3. I for one am a white guy and I have seen and known more white trash,( pardon the racial expression) than people of other races that offend me. I live in the south where racism is very common. I hate racism, Its ignorant hate for no reason.  I think people who are not racist are people that are changing this world.  God bless each and all of those who don't see color.  

  4. Genetically, no, there is nothing to exactly differentiate. This is something that comes from the environment rather then genetics.  

  5. More "open-minded" is the better term.

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