
Do you think that people thousands of years from now will look back and think our religions are crazy?

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the way that most people think that worshiping a greek god is crazy? they honestly believed that they were doing the right thing, as many religions today do. How do you think that people in 2,000 years will look back at what we believe?




  1. No but they will look back at the stupidity online and wonder how the human race survived 2,000 more years.

  2. Probably, unless we finally develop a respect for the past and stop always thinking about ourselves as living in the only intelligent era.

  3. Many already do.

  4. Yes, they will think atheists were insane.

  5. This earth won't be here.                 They (we) won't be looking back at anything, we will be too busy worshiping The King.  

  6. if were around probably i thought the same thing  

  7. maybe they will look back and think nothing has changed.

  8. people already do look at all the atheists in here

  9. oh probably

  10. no...i think they will look back and did we think evolution was a fact...

  11. Maybe there will be no one left to think.

  12. The evolution of technology and science proves one more time that the world or whole galaxy could not be created by itself. I think it would be vise versa. People would start to believe more in GOD in all religions. Most of world population did not believe in GOD in the past. But the more human gets wiser the more he/she believes in religions.  

  13. Not mine.

    I don't have one.

  14. They will refer to us as delusional..  

  15. Yep. We do the same thing to religions way back when. Human sacrifice? How obscene! A plurality of gods? There's only one! What fools!

    Yeah, they'll do that too in the future.

  16. no. i believe what i believe

    ill never think its crazy


  17. To be honest people already mock it today, you don't have to wait 2000 years. But i see your point.

  18. Too late.  

    I already think my religion is crazy.

  19. well they cant think my religion is crazy because im an atheist

  20. From a modern (scientific) point of view (from which standpoint you speak), religious talk is meaningless. But you have to grow up; we are in postmodern times already where individual feelings, not science, matter.

  21. like there is so many different religions there will be new  ones and still the old ones some people today think todays religions are crazy so "yes" i think people in 2,000 years will think that they are crazy but some won't  

  22. maybe the future is a mystery

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