
Do you think that people who DON"T VOTE have the right to complain about the problems of the US?

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I know some people who are always talking c**p about the people in office but when it comes time to vote they won't get their lazy a** off the couch to vote.....This is so annoying to me....What do you think?




  1. You are right to a great extent. I'm from Italy, and my friend is from Japan, so she and I can't vote in the United States. We can complain if there are problems.

  2. I agree... the owner of the bar I visit was like that. Would ALWAYS gripe, whine, and moan, yet had never voted (she's 50 yrs old).

    If you don't VOTE, you CAN whine (1st Amendment), BUT since you chose not to exercise your Right AND RESPONSIBILITY to vote... whine QUIETLY around those of us to DO vote.

    EDIT:  YES Boys & Girls... when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution it was about RESPONSIBILITIES as well as rights.  To VOTE you had to have PROPERTY or BUSINESS (as well as be over 25 and male... ooops).

    I DO recognize one respondent's complaint that "it's the politicians fault"... YES, but those who don't vote COULD help drive incumbents OUT of D.C, and State and County offices.

    I'll annoy SOME here... I think those who serve in the military (or other WORKING Federal, State, or County jobs: cops, fire, teachers, etc) for 8 years or longer should get 1.25 votes.  Modified that idea from the movie "Starship Troopers".

  3. Wrong its Actually the People that are on the Ticket Liars, Crooks Frauds, Idiots none of them of any Common Sense that's why.

  4. It is a free country dear.  

  5. why not? they're still Americans, living here.

  6. They do not, if you give up your right to vote, then you also give up the right to complain about any elected official.

  7. lol I'm sorry, but you answered one of my questions that I chose for the best answer of my question and I can't seem to get the email to work and I ran out of room, but I just wanted to say yes if my baby is a boy, I will definitely be teaching him to stick around no matter what. I can't wait to have this baby and teach it how to be a good person. Unlike how his father is being.

  8. Hey, we're founded on freedom of speech!!! Nothing said in the constitution about 'for voters only'!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes because even though they don't vote what happens in this country still effects them, its there right to vote or not vote

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