
Do you think that people who call them selves black and white.?

by  |  earlier

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Might as well call them selves christians, muslims and jews.

Is the same old garbage, that weak humans need a sense of identity and a reason to exist because there is no such thing as race. There are slight anatomical differences in people which is due the different environments around the world, some of which we can't even live in or survive in. If we are to survive in our environments we will take on a different anatomical characteristic with every generation. We are all homosapians




  1. BLACK & WHITE is an unsolved and resolved problem, in law the provision is amended but from  the mind of peoples its not yet vanished.

    As we know european union countries first peoples to locate the new places, and they were( are) much advanced to rest of the world, as and when they found the new lands they found that those peoples are not to thier expectations, since then that has been developed and till now its going on in terms colors.

  2. No.

    Black, White, Yellow, Red indicates Racial Background.

    Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Jedi, Bhuddist etc....indicates beliefs, regardless of Racial Background.

  3. to eliminate the problem of racial grouping you'de have to eliminate all those little minority support groups like "society of hispanic engineers" and stuff like that. by giving minorities extra resources we are saying that they need extra help to achieve the same goal that a white person can.

    people need to stop humoring the idea that "minorities arent being treated equally so lets give them certain priviledges based on their ethnicity to counterbalance this inequality". nope, WRONG. youre just compounding the problem, idiots.

  4. I'm thinking this wasn't really meant to be answered as a question, more of a statement.  

  5. I AM a Christian, descendant of Adam first man created by God, I am not product of some accidental fussion of primordial slime.(as you seem to to believe that you are) Our "anatomical diferences" are called different races, which God allowed to develop in His infinite wisdom, and I do respect all of those races as I do my own, and I am not color blind...(and if you think I am WEAK, you are sorely mistaken pal.)

  6. it's what generations of existense of

    stereotypical forefathers have caused

  7. I am just a homo sapien cannot be doing with all these labels

    no point in calling themselves by a religion if they don't have one  

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