
Do you think that people who have had a lot of hardship or struggle in their life tend to be the least biased?

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I have always found that the people who've been through a lot seem to be the most caring, non-judgmental people you could ever find.

Do you think this is true?




  1. I think to a certain degree.  It depends on the person.  Going through hardship and struggle will definitely humble a person and(I suppose) might make them more empathetic towards others.

  2. It depends, both on the person and the circumstances. For instance, someone who was molested as a child is less likely to be willing to be open-minded toward a convicted s*x offender.

    Some people use their bad experiences as a stepping stone, others use them as a crutch.

  3. You know I think partially its true, but not all people end up being non judgmental after going through hardships and all. I know some individuals who have gone through so many things but their attitude torward the world is just horrible. And I know other who have gone through so much in their life and feel that life is a gift and we should take advantage and respect it. I guess it depends on each individual.

  4. Yes i think that it is true, because i know a few people who seem to get things without even trying, and i have found them most judgmental, why they are like this i don't know, and it seems the more of a struggle you have in life you are inclined to be more caring, and non-judgmental, that is possibly because they feel the same as others who go through the same as what they have been through, and it is this that they can relate to and give them support, as they may have done for you

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