
Do you think that people who think using nukes know exactly what they are advocating for?

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Have they read John Hershey's novelized retelling of the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6th 1945 in the Book entitled "Hiroshima"

ref:see synopsis --->,pageNum-4.html





    I think that reading that would surprise some people...

    Alan - Your thoughts are bezerk. You need to sit down and relax for a minute or two. Iran are complying with everything the IAEA demand. The USA, on the other hand, is not honouring the non proliferation treatise that it signed. Iran has not declared war on another country in living memory whereas the US has waged dozens and dozens of wars. It's invading countries that creates extremists.

    We should all disarm.

  2. Nope, they generally have no concept of war, never less the extream deaths and damage done to people, and any survivors, besides the long term effects on the following generation.

  3. Reactionary muslims are today's Hitlers, and they need to go thru a period of adjustment. Instead of waiting to see how they use nukes [they are suicidal, you know], we need to put down pockets of strong points until they beg for mercy, and the world returns to relative calm.

    Use of nukes, of course, is the last resort, but to negate their use is to play with disaster. Iran's crazies have made it clear what they intend to do to Israel, for starters. Remember, we used them when the crazies of Japan didn't know how to surrender.

  4. Only psychopaths would use them

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