
Do you think that people would ask me to ride horses for them (read fully)?

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I am an affiliated rider and I have 10 years experience as a 13 year old. Currently I am producing and re-schooling two ponies. One of these is my own on whom I qualified for the trailblazers national 2008 finals. As a pony club member, I can turn out horses well and i look after them. If someone was to approach I would not expect to be paid. I just want to know if you would accept help from someone like me?

I have only started BSJA recently and I am starting small (up to newcomers level). Please give me an answer.




  1. I'm going to have to agree with Solstice, I'd be hesitant as well.  I don't want to make this sound like your a bad rider or anything, but saying that you are only 13, there are a lot of things I would have to think about if I were to hire you.  You have to be in school the most part of the day and you have homework that would need to be done after wards.  You would have to get a ride out to people's stables everyday because you are not legal to drive yet.  People's horses and ponies might not be like the ones you're used to riding, they may not be as simple.  Saying that you are only 13, right now your parents have the say in about everything.  What happens if you move?  What happens if you are unable to get out to the barn?  What if something really unexpected happen?  You are kind of screwed.  You are going to have to become a very mature 13 year old to deal with the owners of these horses.  People are not going to tolerate mistakes you make with their horses.  Just because your exercising them doesn't mean you can't make a mistake, you have to prove to them that you are good enough to ride their horses and do it properly.  People may not hire you because they think you are too young, just because you have 10 years of riding experience might not be good enough in their eyes.  I hate to say it, but I don't think I let you ride my ponies.  One can be a total you know what, and the other needs a strong, relaxed, experienced rider on his back, sometimes I think I'm not good enough to be riding him.  It took about two years to get him to where he is today, and he still need a lot of work.  You need to be ready for challenges, and you can't say to someone, "I can't ride your horse, he's too hard", people are going to think you are a REALLY good rider, and if you don't live up to that expectation...well, no more exercizing horses for other people...  I don't want to get your hopes down, but you need to be prepared for things like this, maybe try retinking this a bit.  Once agian, not trying to say your a bad rider.  =D

  2. if i needed help and you said exactly that then i could say yes,

    you sound proffessional and you know what your doing,

    you need to have had experience with not novice rides and this makes people feel alot more comfortable incase their horse takes off with you you know what to do, or if their difficult in the stable etc. it you do a trial ride so they see how you ride and you look comfortable and have good position then they have no reason to turn you away.

    *you've done alot for your age you should be proud*

    hope this helps!!!

  3. well i am in USPC and am a C-3. (im not sure what that translates to in the pony club i think its around C+ and B) but we have to do swich rides where we have to be able to ride the horse at the level its owner was. The second you become a C-3 an barn will hire you because they know what that means. So i would (if your an upper level) mention your rating as well because then they know you have been tested and held to a certain standard. And once you get to be an upper level it will be much easier to find barns or people who want you to ride their horses.

  4. I would, if I had a suitable horse. First I would want to see you ride other horses and be around my horse (inc riding) to see how you got on. I would pay you depending on the amount of time and effort you put in. So yes, I think someone would let you ride for them.

  5. Well you seem to have lots of experience, which is good, but people might want someone a little older

  6. I put an ad in our local paper asking just this question and lots of people called me. In todays busy world I'm sure people would love for you to give some time to their animals.

  7. I would definatly accept you. You seem like a Great Worker.

  8. In all honesty, I would be hesitant to ask you to ride my horses. They are known to be a tad strong and spooky in the saddle - and as you are a tad on the younger side, I don't think I would be comfortable with you being on their backs and attempting to exercise them. However, I would probably put you on a trial-run to watch you lunge them / turn out them, to see if you do a job that fits my standards. :)

  9. Certainly I think it would be worth popping an ad in the paper and seeing what reaction you get but make sure your parents are aware and can accompany you to any place which offers you work.

    To be honest, if someone could re-school and turn out one of the horses I used to ride, I would certainly pay them something.

    Have you asked your local riding schools or stables to see if they have any work (paid or unpaid) for you? Maybe there is a local smallholding which could help you as well?

  10. I am always keeping an eye out for good potential pony jocks who can school and show my ponies.  Your age is fine, to me it's all about experience and ability.  Normally, I will watch a rider on their own mounts.  If I like what I see, I will let them ride one of my reliable ponies.  If I like what I see there, I can let them ride and show the greener ponies who need the experience.

  11. I would certainly give you a try.  I have several nice green brokes that need more miles on them than I can do myself.  The only concern that could interfere are the insurance regulations.  I'd have to decide if it was worth the risk.  

  12. It depends if you want to ride for a top professional or just a local rider who needs help with their horses. I don't have my own horse but I've had seven years experience, and I managed to find someone willing enough to let me help out with their horses in return for a small contribution and lessons. I think you sound like a decent rider and I would almost definitely let you help out with my horses :D

  13. yeah sure

  14. sure. I would if i needed help with my horses. I think you may actually be better than many horse owners (or atleast you sound better than me).I've never got a horse so far as the semi finals for something as big as that!

  15. yes maybe they will  

  16. hi

    did you start horse riding and stuff when you were three or thirteen or are you thirteen now?

    but any how no matter which one you have still been doing it for ten years and if you do all that stuff I'm sure your good anough to do that

    go for gold


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