
Do you think that peoples fear of public bathrooms is irrational?

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I know being a women that girls do some pretty crazy things to avoid the toilet seat. But do you think that some people go to far?

And whats the deal with the elbow instead of your hand to get a paper towel? My thought process is the people getting paper towels are the ones who have just washed their hands.

What do you think?




  1. I think its different for guys and girls

    For girls its about avoiding the seat

    For guys its kind of awkward sometimes when you have to stand next to a man and urinate, wondeirng if he is looking at your thing, and especially when its crowded!

    I dont have a problem though

  2. I don't think it's irrational.

    Alot of people use public toilets.

  3. It's not *irrational*, it's plain ignorance.  I carry disinfectant towelettes with me all the time so I can clean the toilet seats and then put paper all around, as simple as that.

  4. It's not irrational. Some girls just don't know how to use the toilet. They have no common courtesy. It's gross.

  5. It's good to be careful in a public restroom. Some infectious bacteria can survive for days on dry surfaces, but this is true of every public place. Women are much more prone to urinary tract infections than guys, but they can easily wipe themselves with an aloe towel after urinating on a toilet, and this will provide pretty good protection.

    As for the paper towel dispenser, not everyone washes equally well.

  6. Depends on the situation. If the toilets are clean than I dont see why they should not use it. But I think if they are dirty than if it can eb avoided and a cleaner place used soon than waiting is fine. Normally if I NEE to use the seat desperately I would make sure I put tissue all over it. Its just to make sure nothing else.  Also I dont think its true they just washed their hands, people need paper towels for various things including wiping their nose, think about it.

  7. i do not have a problem using a public bathroom  never had a problem  in 60 yrs

  8. No they can carry diseases like aids i don't want aids. Also their is a chance of yeast infections!!! EWW!! I can hold it!! EWWW!!!

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