
Do you think that power true power is the manifestation of true love & can be nothing else?

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Do you think that power true power is the manifestation of true love & can be nothing else?




  1. If you are deeply having this feeling,well,then yes, I'd say Yes.

  2. Where there is love, there can be no secrets.

  3. Love has healing power.

  4. Here's how I see it... give over power to love. If one is loving, one does not recognize "power." Certainly, there is great power to be found in love. But love, itself, does not recognize power.

    Not usually, anyway.

  5. YD said it best for me...I thought I had an answer until I read YD' True!

    Brightest Blessings,


  6. I think you are using the wrong word ..power.... in this context. I would , rather, use the word, true strength. Power , in its real meaning  denoted domination  by one over the other. In the case of true love  , the opposite takes place! Domination gives way to surrender.  In true love  this aspect of one`s strength to overcome issues such as ego, power ,  selfishness surfaces.

    A journey towards true love  is  the dropping of  these negative elements.

  7. First define power.

    Edit - there are many forms of it.

    Groups hold power, by the nature of those in the groups. Peer pressure. Those people have to have an aspect that makes them vulnerable to this.

    There is military power, in essence the capacity to destroy.

    There is creation, be it the birth of a child, a solar system or the results of woodworker's carving.

    I fail to see why any one of these many many varieties of power are more true than any other. I fail to see why love, true or otherwise could be the only source. As I can also see that fear, anger or any of the emotions could act as a basis for the formation of any number of possibilities.

    I would also consider the words of an OCD person, where they consider anxiety to be the source of their impulses. And thus the control their condition exerts on their life. Would they come to veiw it as love?

    What of the power a parent has over thier offspring. This power can be used in loving way. This power can be used for some serious affliction too.

    No I dont think power 'true' or other wise is love. I think it can be wielded by love.

  8. Power could be manifested in so many ways. When true power is the manifestation of true love, then i supposed it is indeed the most powerful potent weapon a  man could have. God used this true power of love to mankind. And it is obviously the truest power in the world.

    When God's Spirit is at work in a person, amazings things happen. The person's whole life blossoms and bears beautiful fruit. And the most wonderful fruit of all is the giving and receiving of true love.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  9. me, true power is what's inside yourself.....whether it be for good or bad.  True love can certainly add fuel to the power, and is a power in itself, but true power is not simply a manifestation of it...true power comes from ones own heart and mind.

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