
Do you think that preachers do not tithe or pay taxes?

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Do you think that preachers do not tithe or pay taxes?




  1. my preacher does.

  2. Preachers pay tithes and taxes on personal items.Anything purchased for the church is tax free.

  3. All the ministers at the U.K. Baptist Church I associated with paid income tax and also gave one-tenth of their remaining income to the Lord's work. They tithed on their net income, not gross income. Considering how little they were paid to begin with, I thought that was a wonderful example to everyone else.

    As an aside, the minister also made a point of saying that visitors to the church were not expected to contribute when the plate went round. Only church members were expected to help towards the upkeep of the church.

  4. They sure do, at least in my church.  Our senior pastor gave half of his salary last year (and no, he does not make massive $$$), and God has blessed him immensely for it!

  5. My dad always has.  :)

  6. why wouldn't they?

  7. My pastor always is giving and pays his taxes.

  8. In my congregation, I know for a fact they do both. I couldn't speak for all preachers.

  9. Pay taxes? Yes, otherwise (USA) presently, the IRS may goafter them.

    Tithes? That aspect (usually) is between them and the Lord presently. Some 'preachers' may not even advocate  tithing.

  10. My dad is a preacher and he always tithes and pays taxes  

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