
Do you think that prince charels is the father of prince harry?

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well im asking cuz i know diana had affair with her horse back instuctor james hewwit and there a strong possibilty he could be his father cuz he looks exactly like him. pniether prince charles or diana have redish hair but james does.




  1. you can bet your life that the minute those boys were born there was a DNA test done on them and if they were not Charles and Dianna's they would have been pronounced "stillborn" or some such excuse,  that family would not allow any questions about the lienage of their heirs

  2. This question has been asked and answered so many times it's getting stale. Enough already!!

  3. I don't think he's the biological father, but that really doesn't matter.  Charles has stepped up and raised his sons with honor and respect.  

    There have been long time rumors that Prince Philip is not the biological father of Prince Andrew, and so Charles may just be following in his fathers footsteps, not questioning the DNA of a child born to his wife while they were married.  

    Like father, like son.  Royal tradition is too ancient for DNA evidence.

  4. No hes not Charles' son, Dianna was a tramp !

  5. Yes he is.  Everyone may think that James Hewitt is his biological father but he's not - he and Diana didn't meet until several years later.  When Diana conceived Harry she was still working to save her marriage.

    If people paid attention to her wedding and funeral photos etc they would have seen that red hair & freckles are a Dominent feature in the Spencer family.  For example her brother Charles or Sister Sara.

    Once and for all, people should leave this gossip alone, accept that he's William's brother and let him get on with his life.

  6. I think Prince CHARLES is Prince Harry's father.  Not sure about who prince charels is.

  7. Red hair runs in the Spencer family. I saw one of Diana's sister's sons at her funeral and he looked remarkably like Prince Harry. Here's a link to a picture of Diana's sister Sarah. There is quite a resemblance to Harry.

  8. I think so, he's ginger lol.

    It's a normal thing to happen except among Asians, he looks like Princess Diana. I don't think she did cheat on Prince Charles.

  9. I agree that Harry doesn't look like Prince Charles. Charles may not be Harry's biological father but he has raised him, cared for him, and sheltered him from the hard things in life just like any father would... doesn't matter who provided the sperm but who does the work!

  10. Shouldn't we all be praising the good Lord that neither of those boys resemble Prince Charles?  Oh my gosh. Thank goodness he married such a beautiful woman. Imagine if they'd been Camilla's sons?  Both boys are Charles', and neither of them resemble him. Hallelujah!

  11. Does it really matter, Charles has been the father to him (he has really stepped up since Diana's death I think she would be proud of him) and if Harry isn't his biological son (I think that he is Charles' son), kudos to Charles for never questioning that Harry is his or not (most men wouldn't) ,those boys have been through enough, and who knows what is in store for them in the future, by the way my daughter has reddish hair, her father nor do I have reddish hair, she got it from her father's side 2 generations back.....Let it rest...

  12. I usually do not care about this sort of nonsense, but I did see in the newspaper the other day a photo of Diana's brothers because of this big anniversary business, and I couldn't help but notice that they looked like that Harry chap, Harry is the ginga one right?

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