
Do you think that prince harry should have served in the war or not?

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  1. No. He is the Prince of England.

  2. Kings didn't become kings just because they didn't go to war.  War is how kings are made and it seems a little presumptious that their sons don't go.  Are they better then everyone else?  If a prince goes to war and dies then the title passes.  They pass from family to family all the time. Henry VIII was only the 2nd king from the House of Tudor and was so obsessed with having a son because he didnt want Tudor to lose the kingdom.  It happens.

    I can also agree that this world is crazy enough that it could have been bad for the people he was with.. but they handled it right by having him go and then pulling him out when c**p hit the fan.

  3. Absolutely, generations of the royal family have seen active service, whats the point of being a soldier if you don,t serve. The argument that it endangered the lives of his fellow soldiers is totally bogus, they,re soldiers, they,re supposed to operate in dangerous situations, it comes with the job! I,m of the opinion that Britain is justifiably proud that its leading family doesn,t shrink from military service unlike their counterparts in the US .

  4. Yes, it was his duty as a prince.

  5. Yes, he should. He signed up for the military and if his company was assigned to go, he should too (which he did).

  6. Absolutely not!!! The troops with him were in extreme danger by just having him around.  I couldn't believe the stupidity of this move, just for some photo ops.

  7. I feel that he should have the right to do it because, it shows he is human and I feel that he has the right to live his life the way he wants without public intervention.

  8. His entire family line have all served in the military in some degree or another, whether we were at war or not.   Prince Andrew served in the Fawklands war when he was in the Airforce and I'm sure Prince Charles did also.  It's what is expected of them it's considered their family duty to serve.  As far as the royals are concerned there should be no reason why they can't be sent to war just because they are royals, they shouldn't be put behind a desk I'm sure it was expected of them.

  9. Prince Harry did serve in the war. However due to a breakdown in security (some idiotic foreign newspaper released an article). Harry was pulled from it

  10. He was already there and he even WANTED to be there. But thanks to the press for  exposing that he was  serving in combat made it  more dangerous for him to stay there. But he did want to stay even though he was ordered home.

    In ancient times,if you wanted to rule you had to set the example by placing yourself at the head of your troops and fight hand to hand.

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