
Do you think that princess diana was killed by prince charles?

by  |  earlier

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do you?




  1. No.  But I still don't like Charles.  He's an arrogant pig.

  2. where did  u come up with that, you think he would of had two others killed and one close to it just to get rid of diana?  come on now......................

  3. No, So your telling me that they got the driver drunk and he made a deal to wrap around a pole at over 80 mph?

    I dont think so.

  4. I am still waiting to see the explanation of how 3 people were persuaded not to wear their seatbelts. Does anyone seriously think that they were offered millions of pounds to leave their belts off?

  5. NO.

  6. I personally think he hired people to do it, but the other two accidently just died too.. idk. but i think he arranged it because he ordered the people not to investigate or somtheing and they stopped on the side of the road when she was in the ambulance so i think he hired people to shoot a gun thing that was like a REALLY bright camera flash just to make the driver go blind for minute and just long enough so he couldnt see and did crash and they didnt check the videos from the tunnel cameras and he told them not too. so i think that he hired people to do it.

  7. Not directly, but I wouldn't be surprised if he arranged to have her offed! I suspected this from the MOMENT I found out she had died!

    People just try to blow it off as a drunk driving incident, but how do you know that someone didn't spike his drink without him knowing it. Such things have happened to people before. The royal family has enough money and power to make things so...and if they want to get rid of someone "inconvenient" they will.

    You can thumbs down me all you want, detractors and Diana haters, but it still won't erase the truth..DIANA WAS ASSASINATED!!!

  8. Do you ask these sort of questions every time there is an accident ?

  9. Y'know this question gets VERY boring .....

    and I always get the thumbs down when I give this answer .. don't really know why as I am only stating something .. NOT saying that i think this is what should have been done .. BUT here I go again.......

    Diana was married to the future King of England. Now He as the future monarch could have as many affairs as he wanted to .. whether you or I thought it was immoral or not .. and he would have committed no crime ( a sin MAYBE .. but no crime......

    Diana on the other hand .. as the wife of the future monarch.. by law .. could have been charged with Treason for having an affair .... NOW as far as I am aware .. TREASON remains the one crime in Britain that still carries the death penalty...

    SO ON A TECHNICALITY Diana COULD have been put to death for her adultery ........

    I am NOT saying that  that is what SHOULD have taken place ... what I am saying is CHARLES had NO reason as to why he would have her murdered WHEN he( or his mother) could have ordered her *perfectly legal* execution ...

    HOWEVER ... Charles would NOT have done either .. SHE was the mother of his children.

  10. Charles couldn't murder a salad!!!  Why on earth would he have wanted to kill her??  How would he have profited??  It is ridiculous to even suggest that he would have anything to do with such a thing.  

    Diana was killed in a car accident which happened as the paparazzi pursued her and her latest boyfriend through the streets of Paris.  The End.

    Now, for God's sake ----- let her rest in peace.

  11. No it's called drinking and driving. The dude that was driving had been drinking a lot. Yes I believe Charles was having an affair!

  12. Hasn't this  already been offered up? You are not looking for an answer, you are looking for opinions that agree with yours!

  13. Not unless he is really a black Mecedes Benz.

  14. who else?

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