
Do you think that pro wrestling will become extinct in the near future or 10 years?

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personally i think it will and that's why i think one day a backyard wrestling promotion will rise up and bring it back what do you think




  1. no wrestling's been around for hundreds of years and its survive so why will it go extinct in 10 years? and backyard wrestling is a slap in the face to pro wrestling..its a disgrace like CZW and anyone who backyard wrestlers or work for CZW trying to get a pro wrestling career started is an idiot..go get REAL pro wrestling training at a school or something don't backyard wrestle..

  2. nope..its been around for hundreds of years..i doubt some lil backyard wresting will rise

  3. They say never buy out your competition and I think we're seeing why.  WWE has been boring let's face it for 3 years now and unless TNA can rise up and challenge and force new creative minds to take wrestling to a more entertaining level---I think it is very possible wrestling could be on it's last legs.

  4. i really doubt it

  5. People have been wrestling for thousands of years...

  6. Nah after Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon, Steph or Shane will take over.

    If not Vince might sell it to another promotion- which i really doubt he will sell but hey never know..

    NO WAY backyard wrestling will get a rise.. its been around for a while but noooo way.

  7. things like WWE and those shows are actually fake they are actors not good enough for movies (with some exceptions) but so many people want to be actors, but must arnt good enough so they join those things so i bet it'll go on for a long *** time

  8. NO


  9. Wrestling of all types should just go away

  10. No sorry the McMahon's wound let that happening.

  11. h**l no. vince wont let that happen if he does i hunt that sun of a b***h down , shine my shoe up nicely turn my foot sideways and kick him right in his candy @ss

  12. Pro Wrestling is dead......The N

    (joking, some of you may not get the reference)

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