
Do you think that psychic powers (including prayer) can hold off a hurricane?

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Go to my page on My Para and you can see the photos of the shed on the car...and our flooded pond & yard.




  1. Simple answer, unfortunately, no.

  2. Yes, the elements can be manipulated through prayer.

    Have you noticed all the storms these last few years?

    Nobody prays anymore...

  3. After reading PK man, one might suppose psychic powers *could* hold off a hurricane.  At any rate it might constitute evidence, if not 'proof'.  

  4. If God answers it. Fervent prayers of agreement work best.  

  5. Yeah just don't eat anything , pray, and make many animal sacrifices.

  6. Hi

    You are in my thoughts and I am keeping positive thoughts. Yes - man can manipulate the weather to a degree, however there is a point where Nature takes over too.

    There is nothing wrong with having faith as it helps people keep their will to succeed and survive. Faith in God -faith in whatever you believe in is a personal choice, but having faith in yourself is most important.

    People pray, chant or meditate to focus and achieve clarity.

  7. Nope, they tried that at Woodstock. But it's better than nothing.

  8. Sure it has an effect a couple of them.It takes your mind off the danger for one.Prayer also lets a person believe they are doing something proactive about the problem.Most importantly it is a comfort.

    Which also explains why people continue praying.

    It can have a downside.Some people put too much faith in it.They fail to act when they should.

    When it comes to hurricanes,as long as you're taking all the normal precautions.I don't know if it can help but I'm sure it can't hurt.

  9. No.  People love to believe they have control over the uncontrollable.  People wear their lucky jersey to a sporting event in hopes of helping the team.  They yell at broken appliances in hopes of them magically working.  This desire of control is also found in prayer and chant to stop a hurricane.

  10. go to


    this is a cool psychic web site.







  11. Powerful question there, Deenie.   I think prayer is extremely powerful, but I don't know about a hurricane.   Sometimes things have to happen for a reason, but group effort can work miracles...who knows?

    The water in Fujuwara dam in central Japan cleared up after an incantation from a Shinto priest.  It's documented on videotape.  Experiments have been done with water crystals and the power of prayer.  They changed in beauty, clarity and shape according to the words spoken to them.  I, personally, believe in the power of the spoken word.  

  12. I wish prayers did work in those instances, but there are somethings that we just can't change, rather it is a hurricane or a tornado.  Like you I have had a few answered, but overall I think it is more of a psychological comfort to turn to prayer when we are worried or frightened than it is actually "beneficial."

  13. No prayer doesn't do anything.

  14. Better get on your hip waders.

    I think prayer is similar to positive affirmations.

    Does it work?

    Whose to say fate wouldn't have gone in that direction regardless of any prayer.

  15. No.  People have been praying to deities for thousands of years with the exact same effect as not praying to deities.  Christians always say God has 3 answers to prayer, yes, no and wait.  Problem is, a brick has the same 3 answers if you pray to it.

    Do you not think thousands of people in New Orleans weren't praying for Katrina to turn away?  Look how that worked out.  

    As far as studying prayer, there was a well done paper in the Lancet 3 yrs ago.  They studied the effect of prayer on post op cardiac patients and there was no difference.  In fact, the group who KNEW they were being prayed for actually did slightly worse.

  16. It's funny, people think through prayer God helps people with cancer, but no one is cured of an amputated limb through prayer.  Why would God help people with cancer, but not those who have lost limbs?  People pray because they need to feel they have some control, even if it's just an illusion.

  17. I think it's more to just comfort you and calm your fears. I don't think you can control these things with prayer or psychic powers but they do put you in the right mind state of mind to control how you react to them.

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