
Do you think that pubs have had their days

by  |  earlier

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and do you think the smoking ban put the nail in their coffin




  1. When California banned indoor smoking, I thought for sure that clubs would start shutting down.  But no, it doesn't stop people from going out to have a good time.  They just go outside to smoke now, which is healthier for the bartenders anyway.

  2. I wish this isn't true....i like pubs.,,,they've got such an old world feel to them....even though some of them are astonishingly dingy.. :P

    I honestly dont think pubs have had their

  3. Yes they have, and the smoking ban was definitely the last nail in the coffin.  

  4. pubs are going out of fashion because drinks are too expensive and apart from drinking or  maybe watching a pub singer there isnt much to do. smoking really has nothing to do with the demise of pubs. at home, we can drink cheap  booze from supermarkets or off licence. we can watch tv, go to yahoo answers, do loads of things on pc .we can play games on x box.  and its cheaper. we dont need to find a taxi home  pubs have nothing to offer any more. drinkers that smoke and want to go to pubs , still do it.sadly pubs have lost their attraction unless you are young and out on the pi$$ for a wild night.

  5. slowly there are more pubs closing due to more tax on drinks and the smoking ban.there are 5 closed in the  villages near where I live and soon another 2 will close so what is the government trying to do?? close all pubs.

  6. Yep.

    Staying in with a bottle of wine and YA is the new going out

  7. you bet ye, beer just does not taste the same without my smokes.

  8. I think if the govt. is going to cater to non smokers, they should make up the difference in losses to the bar and pub owners.

  9. Like everything else the Government puts its nose in and clamps down on it. In the USA I went out to eat, and we were asked if we wanted a smoking area or not. There are still a lot of People who like a cigarette myself being one of them.I have smoked for about sixty years now and my health is better than anyone according to my Doctor. She said I wish they were all like you as you only come once a year for a check up, and I still cannot find one thing wrong with you. I never take tablets or medicine, and all I do is to eat a balanced diet.

  10. It depends how you see it. In the part of town where I live the pubs are still pretty much traditional and full of locals, one has its own micro-brewery and brews its own and is popular, across the road another does live acoustic music, folky stuff and seems to do all right. Further down nearer the sea front there's a lot of small bars, people sit outside and they seem to do pretty well. Go into the town proper and the bars have been taken up by the big names. I think they do alright but you wouldn't see me there, they're full of bouncers, police always on duty at night and lots of fights, so someone is spending money to get that drunk and pay for the security  that's necessary.

  11. Pubs and clubs are closing down at an alarming rate and this trend started shortly after the smoking ban was brought in. Yes the price of drinks has also has some effect but its the smoking ban which is the biggest reason. Instead of a carpet ban the government should have allowed pubs and clubs to have rooms made available for all non smokers. This way some non smokers who want to join their fellow smokers would have that opportunity. I live in Bulgaria where there is no smoking ban except on public transport and hospitals. All restraunts allow smokers,some in designated areas, There is no ban whatseover. All do have excellent extracter fans which do keep all these places smoke free.    

  12. No, but lazy landlords are doomed.  Decent landlords will always attract custom.

    It is cheap supermarket booze, not the smoking ban which has most effected pubs.  

  13. No but the smoking ban has not helped. Plus if they weren't so expensive. Now our local charges 3.30 for a pint of stella, how can that be justified. And they say real ale sales are down, well in a way that's to be expected, after all many young people these days drink lager instead or shots.  

  14. i think they have turned into being a very unsociable place. i am captain of my darts team and when we play darts at our pub and away the teams are mostly outside smoking. you can guarentee that the only people in the pub are the ones that are playing the game. 4 people. so yes they should of looked into the smoking ban a little more. instead of banning it all togeather they should have made smoking rooms. at least then you can choose which roon you want to go in. also cheep beer plays a part in this as its around £2.30 for a pint and in the shops you can get a pint can for around £1.20 .so why go the pub when you can drink and smoke in the comfort of your own home.

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