
Do you think that.......?

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Do you think that when people answer a question and say good luck, they truely mean good luck? Or is it one last ditch effort for an extra smooch on the butt in attempt to score best answer? Thats what I think! Opinions?




  1. lol well i guess i never really gave it THAT much though! but yes i do agree with you. that is probably just a way for people to get more points to try to make best answer! and also when people put, i hope that helped! lol i believe that is to get more points as well.

    Good question! lol

  2. I say it quite a lot, but I mean it more as that I hope they find/achieve what they're trying to do regarding whatever they've posted the question about.

    The way I look at it is that if I wasn't bothered, I wouldn't be taking the time to answer their question anyway, so saying 'good luck' or not saying it makes no difference - that fact that I've answered tells them that I'm interested.

    It's also a way of signing off - like in a letter you might write 'regards' or 'yours sincerely' - it's less formal on here, but if you've suffered years of office training like I have, then it comes quite naturally to feel the need to sign off when you speak to someone, especially if it is quite a detailed reply.

    I do it in e-mails too.  I'm a bit old fashioned like that.

    I hope this answers your question.



  3. Maybe it is an extra attempt to get best answer.  They probably want the person who asked the question to notice the time and effort that they put into writing an answer and are also being polite, at the same time.

  4. Whenever I write it...I mean it.....

  5. Why would you think that saying "Good luck" has anything to do with wanting points? Isn't YA about helping people? It could just be a pleasant closing to a response. I don't say it (I say something like 'all the best' instead), but I think most people say it just to be nice, not for supposed extra points.

  6. I find that when I add good luck to the end of an answer, that the question has touched me deeply and I am not able to give an answer that could truly help or that their problem is more powerful than can be solved here.  I would never say I'll pray for you because to someone who does not believe that then casts any advice I have given as suspicious.  Its the most comforting thing I can say generically, if that makes sense?

  7. If I say it, I mean it.  But that's just the kind of communicator I am.

  8. I wouldn't say it without meaning it and not all questions need a ''good luck'' at the end.. I say it to encourage that person not to score points xx

  9. hahahaha ummm. ya prolly to suck up for best answer. GOOD LUCK finding wat ur looking for. lol

  10. yes they do mean it

  11. me too. good luck i wish you the best in finding a great answer

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