
Do you think that "imprints" could actually be the people having to relive the events they can't "get over"?

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Could it be that they refuse to forgive the one (s) who did horrible things to them and so they keep on "reliving" it..(like people do when they have PTSD from some trauma) ?




  1. There's no such thing as "imprints", Deenie.

  2. I suppose it's possible but wouldn't it be horrifying to think that even in death we can't escape problems of the mortal body. Of course many religions believe exactly what you are suggesting.

    I prefer to think (and some evidence suggest) that imprints are simply recordings (thus the name imprints) on the environment registering an emotionally charged event that some people can tune into and others simply refuse to turn to the correct channel so they can continue to say it doesn't' exist.

    It would be interesting to know the percentages of these events associated with bad versus good. Why doesn't marrying your true love not impress just like being murdered does?

    The other possibility is that they are not being forced to relive it over and over again but through some rift in time (that science barely understands) we may see the same action over and over again as it is actually taking place. Since time in non linear (from what is known) that is entirely possible in theory.


  3. unforgiveness is one possibility... another is we allow ourselves to keep thinking on the bad instead of the good... bad things can be overcome if you have the right ingredients... the ingredients are in the bible... no place else guarantees good results. Think on the things that are right true just pure holy...

  4. Yeah that is a good possibility seems like that would be one of the top explanations.

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