
Do you think that "islamic terrorism " is an over-hyped stuff?

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I mean,it is happening for sure..But the statictics given by some sites as "prohetofdoom", and you believe that plainly,without doing further reading ?

There is no doubt or argument that Islamic terrorism is making world worse..But is it letting other evils,done by non-islamic terrorists,getting sidelined?Are they going unnoticed simply bcoz this islamic stuff is given overdue importance!..

What is yout thought?

good day..




  1. of course

    every normal person knows 9/11 wasnt done by terrorists

    or can anyone explain me the collaps of WTC 7

    or anyone got any real proof a Boing hit the Pentagon

    the towers seem to be in the farest sense collapsed by fires

    tho the max heat wasnt reach closely(much much smoke=fires dont get enough air)

    and that both collapsed so straight is seen impossible by any specialist in this sector

    it was only used to push patriot act etc through and to make wars for oil etc

    same in germany

    every year the doctor´s mistakes in operations  take more lifes than the whole terrorism in all past time

    ground rights are reduced also(but very very small compared to US)

    the real danger is the people who reduce your rights

  2. The Repubs are always saying we haven't been hit since 911. Well isn't that wonderful !   We aren't supposed to either.  Actually,if I'm not mistaken,we shouldn't have been hit on 9-11 if it wasn't for some bad communication. The elephants should admit they were at fault instead of saying that all the time. I see their dishonesty in their actions.

  3. Erm..

    I'm really hoping you're being sarcastic.

    But I know that you aren't.


  4. Tell the People a lie Tell Them often enough and They will believe you..........Hitler

  5. Just because it doesn't affect you directly? Have you considered the Bali nightclub bombings or those in London? The explosions on the Spanish railways? The beheadings and suicide bombers? No one is "sidelining" Dafur, Georgia, or Tibet but Islamic terrorists have sworn to kill as many infidels as possible. In light of their actions, maybe some people do feel it's important and give it some attention.

  6. Either we're extremely efficient at stopping "terrorist attacks" every single day without failure, or they're not as persistent as the media tells us. Personally, I don't have THAT much faith in our ability to defend ourselves.

    In my opinion the real terrorists are the Department of Homeland Security. They're the ones really taking away our rights.

    Edit: Joel V raised some good points while I was writing this up. However, don't forget the Israeli terrorist attacks, Americans "spreading democracy" to governments we don't like, a genocide here or there, and all sorts of other things that get many people killed but we don't hear about those nearly as often as we hear about the Islamic terrorists.

    Don't have much time to write up a coherent response, so that will have to do for now. Sorry, have to run off to work!

    Edit #2: Gianni, you're right. I guess I was just looking at the subject from a typical American perspective. I still think it's overplayed sometimes in light of other things, but I think I see what you're saying. Thanks. ^_^

    I'm about to be late....

  7. No.

  8. People need to stop being so close-minded and prideful just because there hasn't been an attack on american soil since 9/11.

    There has been ismlamic extremists killing people in attacks since the 70s.

    Civilians in the American Embassy in Iran being take hostage for over a year

    The Marine barracks in Beirut being bombed

    The FIRST bombing of the world trade center in the 90s(don't here too much of that one, do you?)

    The bombings of American embassies in Africa


    Don't think that 9/11 is a solitary occurrence. Islamic extremists have been launching terrorist attacks for the past several decades.

  9. OMG, how would my day be good anymore,,

  10. have you heard of n. y.c

  11. No!

  12. Hello,

    Well one man's terrorist is another man's hero and all depends which side of the fence you are on.


    Michael Kelly  

  13. Both the media and the US government are guilty of pandering to our basest fears.

    There hasn't been a terrorist attack on US soil in almost seven years, and yet we hear about Islamic terrorism every single day.

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