
Do you think that "women's lib" is a big reason our family values are the way they are today?

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Do you think that "women's lib" is a big reason our family values are the way they are today?




  1. "Women's lib"? What, just time-travelled from the '70s?

    What about "our family values" today are you asking about?

    If you're referring to women working for salaries, blame the economy; hardly any families can afford to live on a single salary.

    Family values that deny rights to females are not worth maintaining.

  2. No. The reason is that people are defining families for themselves, not going on assembly lines.

  3. There is Enough Blame for Everybody to Share in But since you went there here's a News Flash!  Fellas, remember the Law was given to Adam first and he is still stumbling around like a Caveman!  Don't even the Churches strickly Blame women for the downfall of man?  Wrong!

    No and If men Knew How to keep their hands in their Pockets rather than Hitting and Beating women and their Children it would not have Changed for their safety in the late 1970's.  Even a dog responds positively to love... If that is the way they maintian control they need to get that and worse!

    Being Possesive,  Controlling, manipulative, petty, small minded and insecure always lead to men Abusing the weaker vessel physically or psycholoically and it is Demeaning to all parties concerned and damamging to the Kids! Most walk right off and not support their own children to boot!

  4. To ask such a question you would have to believe that "family values" are not as strong as they used to be. I fervently disagree. Everybody in the history of mankind thinks things "aren't like they used to be" and that the world is going to h**l in a hand basket. Actually, the divorce rate has been falling since the 1970s. As a matter of fact the people most likely to get a divorce are uneducated (meaning high school education or below) self-proclaimed conservative Evangelical Christians who marry at young ages. These are the people who are most likely to embrace "traditional gender roles." The more educated a woman becomes, and the more self-proclaimed egalitarian a relationship is, the less likely there is to be a divorce. So it can be argued that traditional "family values" are actually the bane of our society.

    Also, statistically, fathers are spending more quality time with their children than at any other time in US history, and the teen pregnancy and abortion rates are down and steadily declining every year. I think we're doing ok.

  5. No, women's liberation has nothing to do with family values.

    Many feminists are married with children, or like so many others, do you think feminists are single,man-hating lesbians that want to ruin family values?

  6. Women are from earth.  Men are from earth.  Get over it!

  7. No I don't.

  8. Technology is the reason that are family values are the way that they are today. People don't have to cook big meals that not everyone likes. Family members can have individualized meals. People don't even have to sit and watch the same tv shows together anymore because most people have tvs in the own rooms if not their own computers. And likewise, people don't have to go to dear old mom and dad anymore to get advice, they just come to the internet for their moral values.

    Women's lib played its part. Higher divorce rates meant that children were further separated from their parental guidance, but if they weren't good role models in the first place, did they really lose that much?

  9. I think there's been a backlash against feminism and transgression of gender norms, yes.

  10. It certainly changed the dynamics of the family shifted priorities and most likely contributed to todays family values or lack there of.

    Thank god though...I could'nt have stayed at home barefoot and pregnant..I need to be out making money and doin my thang.

  11. I would love to elaborate on your question but I do not answer questions from brand new accounts with no avatar.  It is my opinion that they are troll accounts.  No offense.

    Answer NO

  12. No.. I think it's because of terrible terrible terrrrrible educational systems and the fact that people are working 60-80 hours a week in order to afford their big houses and big *** hummers.  

    And Taco Bell.  Cook a meal and sit down with your kids for christ's sake. (the men should cook to... i didn't mean that to sound sexist)

    And an occasional spanking isn't bad either.  My friend's kids (i have none) are ALWAYS mouth'n off to their parents... teach them some basic respect and they'll treat others with respect.

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