
Do you think that radios in cars cause to many problems?

by  |  earlier

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There are always accidents in the news and I personally think that if people quit fooling with the radio, they would pay more attention to the road.




  1. im pretty sure the people cause the accidents. and no one listens to the radio anymore

  2. they have had radios in vehicles since the 20' probs..its the cells phones...its driving ''hot'' looking cars...its trying to get to places faster...its the attitude people have when they get behind the wheel..

  3. Although it is common knowledge that a distracted driver is more likely to make errors in judgment which lead to an accident, some amount of distraction is unavoidable. By respecting their own limits, and planning ahead, drivers can minimize the hazard posed by distractions.

    Application of Make-Up

    Cellular Phone Usage


    Dropped Items


    Use of Computers, DVD Players and PDA's

    Use of the Radio or CD Player

  4. no

  5. No, the radio doesn't cause any problems.  If the driver would just leave the radio alone and watch the road all would be fine.

    Some of the newer vehicles have radio controls on the steering wheel now.

  6. Yes, It's never the driver that causes accidents, it's everything that's the problem...Radios, Cellphones, GPS Systems, Talking, Air conditioning....

  7. Radio, cell phones, heater/AC... anything that distracts our attention while driving is bad. You are correct, pay more attention to the road.

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