
Do you think that really smart people ever fail exams, or competitions,?

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Do you think that really smart people ever fail exams, or competitions,?




  1. Here are over 2000 Competitions listed.... check the participants, winners and losers. I am sure your questions will be answered.

  2. Definitely! Sometimes they're having a bad day, or didn't get enough sleep, or get chronically nervous when taking tests no matter how much they study. Or they don't study at all! I think that how well a person does on tests/competitions depends mostly on how good they are at test-taking, not how smart they are.

  3. yes. especially when they get careless just because they think that they're already smart and so they're confident that they won't get anything wrong (pertaining to competitions).

    as regards to exams and such, really smart people MAY fail... when they don't study..or when they really don't have any idea about the test that they're taking...

    hey, we have to remember that really smart people are still human...

  4. Of course.Einstein was a real mess in school.


    What if the test is very objective and the smart dude didn't study for it? How would he/she know the details? It's not on the brains, it's on the effort. ;)

  6. Smart people have no intention to do any of those-they know they will win. Plus, they will prove how competitions are not fair, and exams don't prove grades. In NYC, many high school genii are dropping out of high school, because they have already proven that college is pointless. Getting A's doesn't prove that you are a genius-it only proves that you can go up to that high. So a typical genius tends to prove parents, teachers, exams, and scientists wrong. Finally, typical genii usually fail exams and competitions on purpose, because all exams and competitions in the world are pointless and/or stupid.

  7. yesss me too failed in my competetion exan

    but i got 93% in mah board exam

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