
Do you think that regular people really understand how hospitals work or a basic hospital system?

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I don't think they do. Most people are clueless when it comes to frequency of meds allowed, patient priority and severity, how beds are issued out, why visiting hours have limits etc.




  1. No, I don't think the layman has even a remote clue of how a hospital operates in the least.

  2. Definetly not.  I have worked as a medical social worker for the past 4.5 years and people would be surprised to know that every day a social worker, RN case manager, MD, and Administration, and Insurance Utlization reviewers are discussing your length and cost of stay.  If you are over the standard 3-4 days, then you will more than likely have a face to face encounter with as least a social worker or case manager to discuss discharge planning.  Beware of doctor's who push a certain home health agency, more than likely they are the medical directors of those companies and getting a large referral fee which may skew their referral recommendations and leave you with an unnecessary bill.

    Also, some people actually enjoy hospital stays as if they are in a luxury resort, unaware of the large medical expenses that incur and their high risk of infectious diseases such as MRSA (Staph) which is most common in healthcare facilities.  I have had 2 MRSA infections myself, and it is no pretty picture.  Every hand that touches you and everything you touch in a healthcare facility has the potential of carrying the silent infection and left unnoticed can result in serious medical problems.

    Last but not least are the hospitals that are experiencing financial problems and as a result are using expired supplies and utensils.  Something that most patients rarely even consider.  

    My advice is to be informed and ask as many questions as possible.  People do perish for a lack of knowledge!

  3. Your right I think most people don't have a clue. I mean everyone I talk to talks about how the hospital charge for things. Not only meds they were given but meds they never got. Along with other items not used but charged a crazy amount for supposedly using.

  4. Unless you are in the medical field people normally do not know the rules and regs of a medical atmosphere. If people have questions it is up to a staff member to give them an answer.

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