
Do you think that rugby players like Sean Lamont, should be expelled from their clubs, for shameful behaviour?

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Stade Francais Calendar and video, Max Guazzini paying high amounts for players/strippers. The soul of rugby in decadence in Europe.




  1. Just fine them, they are not alone when it comes to "shameful behavour"

    Go the AB's

  2. Bloody well chuck the book at them.

    kia kaha

  3. Who cares, it is right to make his money while he can.

    A rugby player has a short career and unless you are one of the top players you're not exactly on big money are you. Unless you are lucky enough to have good qualifications from Uni or know people (Guscutt what a loser as a pundit!!) or have maybe a family business what else does a rugby player do after they retire?

    More often than not they have to restart their careers again earning not so great money.

    The image of union is as g*y as it's gets anyway with all that cuddling that goes

    Leave the guy alone, it's none of your business or the clubs unless it stops him from training.

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