
Do you think that schools should stop buying supplies(Chickens,Beef) from the factory farms?

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Do you think that schools should stop buying supplies(Chickens,Beef) from the factory farms?




  1. Absolutely not.

  2. Yes!  All schools should support local farmers and buy local.  They should also have agriculture classes in all high schools.

  3. Yes, of course.

    Schools are places where examples need to be set.  As if chicken and beef weren't bad enough for health, the factory farmed stuff is just promoting poor conditions for animals and poor quality meat.

    Ideally schools should have vegetarian meals and snacks.  Drinks should be limited to water, 100% juice, and other wholesome drinks.

    No doubt you're American or Canadian.  Otherwise the question wouldn't need to be asked.

  4. I think everyone should do thier part in not supporting a "farm" that tortures.

  5. Of course. Schools are our foundations for or children and the future, vegan foods should only be bought for the schools, no need to do more damage.

  6. It would be too expensive for all but private and very well funded public schools.

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