
Do you think that selena gomez is a nice person??

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ummm. i dont know a lot about her, she's pretty and all but, is she nice? well a nice attitude as well?? i can really see in her face that she isnt...




  1. I think she seems nice but this person I know Met her and the JOnas Brothers and she said she seemed kind of snoby  

  2. Better then goddang Miley and Mandy. Selena And Demi actually seem nice. :)

  3. yes ma'am  

  4. yah i guess  she's nice:)

  5. i'm not exactly sure.

    i get kind of mixed feelings about her

    sometimes she seems reaalllyy nice and sweet

    but then i'll watch some video where she kind of

    sounds a little stuck up and stuff

    but for the most part i know

    she's a pretty good person

  6. well i dont know her personally but on her and demi's youtube channel they seem really nice and fun

  7. Ya shes really nice and like any other tennage girl. I know her personally so chya

  8. she seems like a nice person, around OTHER stars.

    i met her once.

    man, she was a *****.

    first of all;

    she insulted my clothes

    and second;

    she was REALLY nosy.

    but thats my opinoin.

  9. It is hard to say because i've never met her, but she seems nice on youtube!

  10. Probably.But her face tells me otherwise.She has that innocent look but at the same time,shes kinda like someone who has something really mean inside or rather Snoby,stuck up,whatever

  11. i think she is....i mean she looks like she has a great personality...

    so she has to be nice....i mean miley looks meaner than her...doesn't she?? i dunno...

  12. Like all the others on here I've never met her personally. On her youtube videos she seems fun but kind of stuck up s****. and rude. But then at the same time she seems kind of nice, like she has two personalities and is FAKE.Of course I don't even know her  but that's just my opinion.

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