
Do you think that selena gomez voice is natural or computerized?

by Guest65930  |  earlier

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i think it is computerized it just sounds so fake

and i heard her sing live b4 hear me when i say it HORRIBLE




  1. computerized! i think her brain is computerized too!! i hate her guts

  2. All of Disney Channel's singers are computerized.

  3. natural.

  4. Well I'm sure she can sing but they probably just edited her voice a bit because if she couldn't sing, she wouldn't be a part of disney.

  5. Well, her voice could've just matured.

  6. computerized .. lol i know she sounds so bad and she tries soo hard but still suck i mean cruella de vil ...  

  7. all voices are real, but then edited in a sound booth

    They do it too ALL singers.

  8. Really? Where did you hear her sing live? She's an awesome singer! Gawd, i don't understand why people hate her so much!

  9. real but maybe tweaked a little after

  10. she think she is the next miley cyrus and the ppl always want her to be like her so they computerize her voice cuz it sucks!!!!!

  11. wtf are you talking about Miley's voice is worse and I don't see anyone complaining.  Anyway to answer your question I think her voice is natural, but then again, who knew Miley could really sing that bad

  12. i think it's computerized too. hhahaha.

    it's ok though, i like her.

    she just cannot sing.

  13. Listen to the first part of this version of her theme song starting at 2:50.

    I'm pretty sure that was her voice before they messed with it, it's awful.

  14. computerized.. i don't think she can sing..

  15. All Disney stars have computerized voices.  There's no doubting it.

  16. She sings naturally, but her voice pitch is adjusted with some type of post effects program.  Most professional musicians voices are adjusted to perfection on their studio albums.  Usually with a Pro Tools plug in called Melodyne, or something similar.

    This is why some artists sound good on CD but really really suck live.

    And why on EARTH would you want to hear her sing live?  And what kind of

    sh***y concert has selena gomez performing at it?

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