
Do you think that shape shifting Reptilians or just aliens go through the process of evolution,...?

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do they evolve?




  1. Shape shifting reptilian aliens were made up by an English guy named David Ike. He basically took a load of urban legends that were originally about Jews and Jewish plots to control the world and he changed the main characters from Jewish bankers to shape shifting lizards.

    I believe in a lot of weird stuff, but I'd never take this stuff seriously, never.

  2. Shape shifting Reptilians! Man where do you guys come up with this stuff!  lol   Put the drugs down and just say NO!

  3. I think David Ike is schizophrenic.

  4. I think they evolve by watching and learning from us. We are supposed to be setting a good example. ;) But I don't think that they neccesarily want to evolve.

  5. I don't think anything evolves.  Any science textbook will tell you that evolution is the result of mutations combined over millenia.  However, the same science textbook will tell you that most mutations are harmful and many are lethal.  The mutations we can see the most clearly; dog breeds, show us that where we can have any kind of dog from a Chihuahua to a mastiff, none is anything but a dog.  No, Sparky, shape-shifting reptilians don't evolve, they just get slimier.

  6. The only evolution I see here is the different form you can find an alien in these days.  It used to be there was only one kind.  Now they're all shapes and sizes.  Apparently they can even shape-shift.  That's amazing!

    I wonder how it could be that only a very select few ("special") are privy to this information.  Having access to so much secret information must be a terrible burden to bear.

  7. God,reptillians are not advanced enough to have transmutation technology.They use advanced holograms and lazers to change there apperence.

  8. There's no escaping evolution if you reproduce.  It's not like the laws of physics change wherever you go - it's the same for biology and chemistry.

    But there are no reptilians so it doesn't matter.

  9. read about ascention and stuff like that, multi dimensions. Some say there are multiple dimensions and that when we die our souls don't and that we are reincarnated and stuff. Don't know all the specifics but I hope that info helps, so I guess in a way you can say that they go through the evolutionary process.

  10. it all depends on the bloodline some reptilians have long twisted horn with red and black skin, they are the ones on the top of all the reptilians and the lowest ones are the greys  

    the DNA of the reptilians are manufactured by a superior civilization ,in which states which reptilians are at the top and which are the bottom

    reptilians revolutionize  if they can prove their loyal to the supreme one (superior reptilian ) let say their evolution is be controlled by the upper ones

    an example is us, we evolution ice by the one that gives us knowledge on how to survive if he doesn't we will wouldn't know how to survive

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