
Do you think that..? should i ??...?

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ok so i've had braces for about 1 year and 8 months and i really want to have them taken out already because my teeth seem fine and everyone tells me that so do you think i should ask the dentist to take them out or is he even going to listen? and lately i started to get a gap between my teeth and i never had that before, should i just stay with the braces until my teeth are perfect and the gap goes away or ask if he can take them out now that my teeth are good but with that gap =[

please no rude comments, i dont want that!




  1. Let the orthodontist call the shots, here, as he knows what he is doing.  If you are concerned about the gap, talk with the orthodontist about this. It would be better to discuss your concerns with the dentist than to simply assume you know better than he and to demand he take them off.

  2. The orthadontist would probably argue that you should keep them on. Personally, I would keep them on because the whole point of braces is to make your teeth perfect. I think it would be a waste of money to get them taken out now if you have a gap between your teeth and they are just fine.  

  3., I personally don't think that you should have the braces taken out. The orthodontist will take them out when he thinks ur teeth r "right". Believe me (him more!)--he went to all those years of school to become a dentist, and then an orthodontist, etc....he knows what he is doing, trust me! I can't explain about that gap, as I am not an orthodontic professional, but the ortho may say u need a powerchain to correct it--and finally, even though you're teeth look "done", they need to adjust and become permanent in those new positions--that's why ur teeth sometimes feel "loose" w/ braces. No, i would just bear with it and keep the braces on until u have a perfect smile. :) Im sure your smile will be amazing after.

  4., I personally don't think that you should have the braces taken out. The orthodontist will take them out when he thinks ur teeth r "right". Believe me (him more!)--he went to all those years of school to become a dentist, and then an orthodontist, etc....he knows what he is doing, trust me! I can't explain about that gap, as I am not an orthodontic professional, but the ortho may say u need a powerchain to correct it--and finally, even though you're teeth look "done", they need to adjust and become permanent in those new positions--that's why ur teeth sometimes feel "loose" w/ braces. No, i would just bear with it and keep the braces on until u have a perfect smile. :)

  5. I've never had braces, so don't quote me on this... but I think if you don't leave your braces on for as long as you're supposed to, your teeth will go back to being crooked. I'd do what the dentist says... he/she is the professional.  

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