
Do you think that some arranged marriages can be happier than "normal" marriages?

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Some sociologists are saying that an arranged marriage can be happier than a love marriage. What do yo think about it?




  1. Love is love.

    You can't make it happen

    but you can't choose either really.

    I don't think its the fact that it is an arranged marriage that would make someone happy, just that they happened to fall in love with the person.

    I don't agree with the concept of arranged marriage personally.

  2. There is a difference between an arranged marriage and a forced marriage which people do not seem to understand. An arranged marriage is when your parents introduces you to someone. You can date this someone for as long as you like before you commit (and you don't have to get married to them at all in the end if you don't want to). I think both a combo of arranged and love marriage can work.

  3. One can assimilate to almost anything in this world.  Now that is said, can you see yourself as a westernized woman having to go to bed with someone for the rest of your life simply because your parents said so?

  4. in a way i guess they can be.. like you really couldn't have any regrets like, say, "i knew i should've dated that other guy longer..." i mean, dont get me wrong, im all for individuality, but this is a pretty good question. it really gets you thinking. but i think that marriages can be really happy if you measure out the pros and cons ahead of time, and figure everything out, before you just go and get married on a whim.

  5. It may cause more realistic expectations to be faced.

  6. arranged???? um that's not healthy

  7. Heck, yes!

    How much less stressful it is to have a marriage arranged in advance! There is no need for dating, courtship, or anything like that.

    And any two reasonable adults should be able to get along and develop a healthy relationship together. Plus, there will be no unhappy in-laws on either side, because they chose it that way!

    The only bad arranged marriages are when girls are married too young and then raped by their much older husbands. These arranged marriages are, of course, horrible.

  8. No, I don't think so. How can a marriage that you are forced into ever be happy?

  9. i would say arranged

  10. I think an arranged marriage can turn out to be very happy...the people learn to love one another and get to know each other matches can fade over time and if friendship is not there as well as love, fail...

  11. If it isn;t arranged it might b happier cuz u know who YOU love and aren;t forced to marry some random guy

  12. NO!!!

  13. I cold see how that might be possible.  People who marry for love might have a unrealistic "disney" idea of what life with their spouse is supposed to be like and then be sad or give up when things stop being perfect.  I person in an arranged marriage might have more realistic expectations about what it's like to live with another human being and therefor be less prone to disappointment and more willing to put in effort to make things better.

  14. well they are very rare in America but very common among curtain nationalities. I think its hard to say, she will arranged marriage people are forced together, kinda like a blind date but not. At first its fun like any relationship because your getting to know each other but remember everyone has bad habits and not everyone can deal with other peoples bad habits unless you get use to them and love the other person in order to spend the rest of your life with the other person.

  15. there are none that say such rubbish. those types of marriages are 3rd world and of a decayed mentality. old fashioned is too good a term.

  16. i believe that but im not sure if i truly understand that. like im saying that the sociologists are wrong, i just dont understand how that can be true. cuz in a love marriage you chose the one you wanted to be with

  17. Luck of the draw.

  18. I understand why they think that.

    In a "normal" marriage, there is an illusion that the couple will always have those warm fuzzies and butterflies for each other. When said feelings dissolve or are diminished by the wear and tear of time and marital problems, these marriages fall apart.

    Arranged marriages function on a different level. There is no expectation that the couple will be in "love" per se, but they make an effort to be good to one another to make the relationship work. There's much more discovery for an arranged marriage. Often "normal" couples have been dating for years or have even lived together, so the couple already know so much about each other. Arranged couples learn to function with each other even when they're not feeling warm and fuzzy because they didn't start out that way.

  19. Sure it can. It depends on what makes you happy and what you expect to give and get out of a marriage.

  20. Nobody can foresee the future.

    A couple madly in love today might hate each other in ten years.

    A pair of complete strangers being married by their parents might turn out a completely happy couple.

    Just as finding a partner - any partner - in the first place is some kind of lottery, living together with that partner is like tossing a coin.

  21. I can say sometimes.

    Kids nowadays choose poorly,and mostly on looks and social life.

    However an arranged marriage could make the people happier cause they know they can't divorce(well under certain conditions)

  22. neither!

  23. I disagree. When two people meet, and fall in love naturally, on their own accord..that's what's normal. Not having your family pick up some guy for you, that you may have nothing in common with, who might be a horrible person (maybe not) and having to be stuck with him.

    I am sure there are certain circumstances where arranged marriages work well, but I don't think it's the norm. Because you'd have to learn to love someone after the fact..imagine them expecting s*x on the wedding night, and you barely know the person..let alone well enough to do that. It's an outdated practice.

  24. Hmmm,

    Its possable.

    But i doubt it. lol

  25. so many regular marriages are caused by negative reasons like an unwanted pregnancy, lonliness, decepion and end in divorce.  and love fades.

    an arranged marriage pairs up a seemingly good couple.  in most cases both people are probably traditional so they probably share a lot of the same views.

    so, yes.  they can be happier.  but there's no garuntee.

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