
Do you think that some families should be able to have biological children and adoptive children?

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  1. It may be a controversial opinion, but I think suitable couples who have never been able to conceive a child should be given priority on the adoption waiting lists over couples who have been able to conceive naturally in the past. It just doesn't seem fair that some people can have the best of both worlds, and some equally good people can have the best of no worlds. I think that the only circumstances a couple who have had children already should be able to adopt a child, are if they have some family or personal involvement with that child. Other than this, I think biological parents should only be allowed to be adoptive parents in the event of children waiting to be adopted outnumbers the number of prospective adoptive parents. Which lets face it is never going to happen. I once saw a girl on here posting that her 50/60+ parents, who had had a number of biological children naturally, wanted to adopt a baby and that it was unfair they couldn't. Personally I think, why should a baby go to a 60 year old parent when it could go to a 30 year old and have thirty more years of life together, and why should a couple who have already had the benefit of so many children be given one more when some younger and fitter parents may grow old and die having never been given that blessing.

    EDIT: I have been answering your question as if we have been talking about babies. I think older children who perhaps might have more problems finding adoptive parents this would be fine for.

  2. Of course.  Sometimes, the experience of being a parent is good to have, before adopting.  There are plenty of children all over the world that need homes; many more children than parents looking to adopt.  It seems like an unnecessary restriction.

    As to infant adoptions, there are some infant adoption agencies that only work with infertile couples and/or give preference to couples without children over couples with children (biological or adopted).  In most cases, the expectant mother chooses the adoptive family, so it really depends on what her criteria is for placement.  Some may prefer a childless couple, others may prefer a couple with other children.  The vast majority is not the adoption agency or any other entity choosing which child goes to which couple.

  3. Yes but great care must be taken to ensure the children are not treated differently. If the issue arises it should be addressed immediately. Many foster families have biological children and they go on to adopt their foster children.

    Willingly providing a home for a child who needs it should not be only determined by whether a couple has biological children or not. Some woman choose not to have more children after a difficult pregnancy and some choose to never have children and yet some still have no choice. Wanting to be a parent is part of the human experience. Wanting to be the parent to a child who needs a home is so much more.

    Do not misunderstand....this decision is not for the faint of heart. You must be prepared for what changes may come and be avilable to adapt your lifestyle to that of both children biological or adopted.

  4. of course becuase parents who have their own children might want more of their own but aren't able so therefore would like to adopt so ofcourse i see nothing wrong withit xx as it helps out little children in the world and gives them a great future.

  5. I think its wonderful!! , I was adopted, and i wouldhave loved to have had a sister or bro,, i was the only one,, I am preggo with my first and i have thought very seriously of adopting , my way of giving the same gift that was given to me. the only time I would say NO is if the adoptive parents treat the children differently, other than that, I know that every child deserves a home,, whether it be with other adopted children or biological children.

  6. I think whoever is a good parent and prepared to have a child, whether biological or adopted should have them! Let's keep it clear though - it's not like there's a SHORTAGE of children, just a shortage of brand new American babies. If more people were willing to approach international adoption, there would be more than enough "children to go around" and it wouldn't matter that people get the "best of both worlds". What's wrong with people that makes them angry about people adopting more children when they "have their own already"???

    Bad example: but take the Jolie-Pitt family, they'll have 3 of their own and 3 from other countries - what a beautiful family they are too! And those kids are going to be loved, no matter what country they were born in, or what circumstances they were in before they were adopted. Regardless of people having issues with that family, what's the likelihood Pax, Maddox, and Zahara would have been adopted, had Angelina and Brad not taken them home??? And then they might never have known the love of a family.

  7. Of course they should be able to adopt if they already have kids.

    I met one couple who could not have children of their own but were raising two girls that were a result of the husband's first marraige.  Though the wife had no experience with babies, the husband did and when they adopted a baby, the wife got to experience the joy of raising a child from its day one.

  8. As long as they're equal. I knew one women who thought she couldn't get pregnant, fostered, got pregnant, sent the poor kid who'd been there for 5 years somewhere else.

    It might be a bit weird for the adopted kid though, and the biological child might feel pushed aside and unwanted. Depends how the family treats them. (If we're talking about children older than 5- with babies, they wouldn't really know until they'd grown up together anyway.)

  9. I'm not sure I can think of a reason people should not have both. My nieces are both. They look nothing alike, but they are both nieces. It drives me crazy when someone makes a differentiation between either. I was just reading about Madonna and they had to point out that one child was adopted and one was biological. Why? They are both her children.

  10. Yes, and why would I need to support the is a simple question...

    I can't think of a single reason why they shouldn't. I work with lots of families (most of my families) who have both.

  11. I think that people should be able to have biological and adoptive children if they treat them equally and love them all the same. I believe some families could do that, of course some could too. It depends on the circumstance. ♥


  12. Yes I do believe so. I know noone personally but have seen many on the show "adoption stories" on Discovery Health. One family had 2 biological children and wanted to reach out and help other children in need of a family versus having more of their own. They loved them as their own and gave them a chance they might not have had for a family and a home.

  13. Yes but probably not if there is a limited number of babies to adopt - then priority should go to people who can't concieve.  I plan to have a couple of kids then look into adopting a kid from foster care who is too old for most people to consider or has some problems.

  14. I know several families that have both, as long as they love all their children regardless how they came to them, its fine.  Its not like the world lacks children that need to be adopted that only  couples who cant have biological children can have them.

  15. Definitely. I know many families that have both adopted kids and biological kids. They are very loving and supportive. They don't look at their adopted kids any differently than their biological children. And it makes me happy to know that the adoptive kids are now growing up in a loving environment when if they hadn't been adopted, they wouldn't have had that.

  16. I come from a big family of 9 siblings (last time I checked ...) 3 are biological and the rest of us have been adopted throughout the years.  As long as there's plenty of love in the home, I don't see a problem with it.  It's harder (as was for me) to try to 'blend in' as a teenager because you're trying to find your own place in the family but I think that would be the case anyway whether it's a family of all adopted or biological kids.  The siblings (whether adopted or biological) who've known each other longer and have shared some history may be closer obviously.

  17. ~ Absolutly,,,,I do not see anything wrong with it.

  18. I have biological son and we have adopted children too. I do think private adoptions of infants should be to couples of childbearing age, and I think people who can not conceive should be given top priority and then couples who were able to have one child but for medical reason could not have more should come next!

    As long as you are health and able to provide a good safe home I believe childless and couples with children should be able to adopt from the foster care system! I think they should limit the number of kids that can be adopted by each family in the foster system to 10 or less unless they are adopting large sibling groups!

  19. yep.. people do have biological children along with adoptive children..

    As long as they are treated equally within the family I have no problem with it.

  20. Alot of times life happens. I myself tried for numerous years to have kids ... nothing. Adopted my son, Gabe and nine months later got pregnant. Three months after Garrett was born got pregnant with my daughter GiGi. Yes I have 4, 3, 2 year old and it just happened. If people choose this than great some people want more kids but can't physically have them or don't want to be pregnant again or feel they had enough and realize there are kids out there they were to be theirs just in a different way.

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