
Do you think that some of us who could never drink all that recommended water might have been right?

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Consider this: Evidence-based recommendations indicate that our total daily fluid consumption is more important than how much water we drink in a day. Read carefully.




  1. Omamico I saw this programme on BBC prime, the other day, perhaps 2 or 3 months ago, where they took 2 twins, the one was to drink 8 glasses of water a day, the other not, she was allowed to have tea, coffee, juice etc, but never a glass of water. At the end of the 2 weeks they conducted all kinds of tests on them, and both very 100% fine. So it shows you must just get in the recommended amount of fluid per day, you do not have to in addition drink 8 glasses of water as well. Actually drinking too much water is deadly. It is called hyponatremia and especially athletes must be very careful not to take too much water in after a race, Ironman, Commrades etc. Veggies, fruit etc also contains a lot of water.

  2. Thank you, you have really stop my misery. I cannot drink those 6 glasses per day but Can have 3 of juice, almost 3 cups of tea during working hours and 1 or 2 glasses of water. And I was d**n feeling guilty. Surprisingly, I was functioning normal. Now I can sing a hymm when drinking my orange juice. Funnily people here are good in counting those bottles of mineralwasser. I honestly cannot swallow mineral water with Kohlensäure, I find it difficult to swallow all the bubbles and yes, it does not quench my thirst. (I am not sure if it is called sparkling or carbonated in English)

  3. Not all water is good for you. In some countries even the mineral water have a question mark hanging over them!

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