
Do you think that some "possessions" could be people "astral traveling and getting in to other people's bodies

by  |  earlier

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ex..people in prison who know how to astral travel and have nothing else to do..and want to cause harm to others.(Please don't answer unless you are familiar with astral travel and know it happens)




  1. I do not think that you have too much control over where you go, Astral projection is not such an easy to come by "voluntary act" I highly  doubt you can go anywhere that you would like....although you could try. My daughter has appeared to three of us at different times.... she can shake you awake, speak and do silly things all the while her body lay sleeping in her bed. I would not believe this if I did not witness this for myself. Her twin saw her walk out of the room while she was sleeping right next to her... and she has been to her dads house and viewed him sleeping and even viewed

    her fathers cell phone on the night table taking note of the time. We are in Florida and he is in New York.

    Anyway, i do not think that a person astral projecting is going to have any powers to actually take posession of another person, they are not strong enough / or aware of enough to get into somebody elses body.

  2. no, your spirit knows where it left from and will always return to its vessel.

  3. Denie,

    Nobody "knows" that astral travel happens. In fact, there is no credible scientific evidence for it. Some people have vivid dreams and/or lucid dreams which they later interpret to be astral travel, but so far there's nothing to indicate that it is anything more than dreaming.

    I appreciate you have questions and want answers from like-minded people, but you should realize that you are asking these questions in the Science & Mathematics category.

    EDIT: Just to be a little more clear, you're in Science & Mathematics > Alternative > Parapsychology. Categorization works by grouping subcategories under a category according to a shared theme. For example, all subcategories under Science & Mathematics are Science and/or Math oriented. All categories under Religion & Spirituality are instances of religion or spirituality. Because Parapsychology exists as a sub-category of Science & Mathematics, answer to questions asked in this category should be scientifically oriented and make use of current scientific understanding and knowledge. It would be unreasonable to ask for non-scientific answers in a scientific category.

  4. no, there are no astral beings.

  5. I've been combining remote viewing/astral projection with other forms of psychic exploration for some time now. I have used it to unclog my plumbing by traveling through the piping using astral projection, locating the source of the clog using my mind vision and using telekinesis to break it up. Of course I take advantage of products like Drain-O as well, but I know it's my telekinesis that's really doing most of the work.

  6. I suppose it is possible that convicts could be astral traveling to cause mischief, however I see no reason to think that's the case.  First of all, possessions have not been established as being real.  Secondly, astral traveling has not been established as being real.  So, the question is asking if you can do something which can't be done (because it doesn't exist) to cause something that can't be caused (because it doesn't exist).  When I say "doesn't exist" I mean there is no reason, beyond some creative, imaginative and fanciful explanations of natural occurrences.

  7. no and yes i am familiar



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