
Do you think that spirits still on the earth are caught in purgatory, limbo..etc?

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Or, when an apparition appears, is it just a glimpse into another dimension? I Know no one can answer for sure, I just want to know some theories. thx




  1. I think it's still part of the Catholic the real Catholic Church.

    Edit..Being a former Catholic..I never could understand how being tortured in Purgatory could make you a better person..or make you a more loving person. I think it would put hate in me. Forgiveness & Love are the only things that change a person for the better.

  2. I think spirits here on earth are caught in the imaginations of those who see them.

  3. I don't know if anyone knows at this point in time, but it's funny you should mention it. I was wondering if some things might survive in other dimensions. The universe is more surreal than was once imagined. I'm especially amazed by some of what appears to happen at the quantum level; particles popping in and out of the universe, entanglement and all those dimensions. I see a lot of possibilities there....

  4. first of all, the Catholic church has NOT done away with Purgatory, and we continue to believe in it as much as we have before. I believe that if you die and are not QUITE perfect, and you are without mortal sin, you will go to Purgatory. (That is where most people would go, because how many people are as honorable as Mother Theresa?) After they get enough prayers and have gone through suffering and are PURGED of their sins, they are finally ready to be in God's presence. I also believe that infants go to Limbo if they have not had the chance to be baptized, because they have committed no sin, and only have original sin on their souls. I'm not so sure about apparitions, because surely angels could come down and try to speak to us, and maybe God could send down one of our friends who is in Heaven. Nobody really knows, or will know until they die! But, that's just what I think!

  5. Well since the Catholic church did away with purgatory I have to conclude that it no longer exist  ;)

    I suspect that at least most ghost could be explained in terms of seeing recorded impressions and/or seeing glimpses of a specific time replayed over and over. Most ghosts do not interact (at times even acknowledge the prescience of) with living humans.

    Of course this is when all the skeptical theories are already tested and found to be insufficient.

    I have repeated consistently that explaining ghost will require multiple explanations as that one theory may best explain one specific experience and the next experience may require a different theory as the best explanation.


    Pope John Paul II used his Wednesday general audience during the period of late 1999-JUL to early 1999-AUG to discuss topics related to life after death. He had described heaven and h**l; at his AUG-4 audience, he described Purgatory. He affirmed Roman Catholic theology that: "Before we enter into God's Kingdom, every trace of sin within us must be eliminated, every imperfection in our soul must be corrected. This is exactly what takes place in purgatory." But he continued by stating that Purgatory "does not indicate a place but a condition of life. Those who, after death, live in this state of purification are already immersed in the love of Christ which lifts them out of the residue of imperfection." Like h**l, Purgatory is not a physical place"


  6. I think they are not too far from this realm. We are here on this earth with all of its realities. They are in a reality we will not know about till death, but their reality can be a part of ours.

  7. Some have unfinished business, others stay because they fear h**l, or they need help crossing over because they don't know they're dead.

  8. well I don't know that for sure, go to

  9. I don't understand you question.

  10. In some cases I wouldn't call it limbo, just more of unfinished business.

    Something is keeping them from going on or crossing over.  A troubled soul of sorts.

    Edited:  PSI, since when did the Catholic Church "Do Away" with Purgatory????  That is a NEW one on me!!

    The "Fact" is they still do teach about Purgatory.

  11. Oh, there's as many reasons are there dead people, from what I've found. Some have unfinished business (something they have to do before they can go over), some have no idea they're dead, some are afraid to cross for various reasons, and some simply don't want to.

  12. I do not believe in purgatory. Spirits that believe that they are stuck on earth are simply like kids that are left back. They just wait around until someone or something can help them over. I imagine that at some point, maybe a thousand years at most, they will realize that their surroundings have so drastically changed they will move on just from discomfort... since the world is no longer the world that they knew. I don't think I have ever heard of a ghost or a spirit that is older than that. I have heard of one an estimated thousand years old on a ghost hunters episode, but am not sure that is the truth. I defintely believe that some spirits haunt for a few hundred years but usually they take the hint and move on.

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