
Do you think that terrorism is increased by open borders? How? Why?

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Do you think that terrorism is increased by open borders? How? Why?




  1. No. the terrorists who did 911 like open borders. They like one-world govt. 911 was a false flag. It's obvious to all except the sheeple.

  2. It sure makes it easier I would say.  By that I mean getting the explosives in and what not.  The next attack will not be airplanes because we have wised up on that.

    It could be something as simple as driving a tracker or earth digger into cars and people. It happened again today in Israel.

    Oh, by the way there are attacks every day some were in the world.  Last count was a conservative 11,490 since 9/11.

    I know answering a question with a question is not well taken but I have one for you.  Who are the terrorists that we are fighting?

  3. If you are suggesting having closed borders like communist Russia, it sort of defeats the purpose of a free society

  4. Not really, look at the ATL bombings. They were done by an American in America. It's not about having open borders, it's about dis functional people in the world in general.

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