
Do you think that the 13 Skulls myth is real or fake?

by  |  earlier

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Sigh Here is a link.

I know that there will be greater detail if you searched around about it in the internet but this is the fastest link I can find.




  1. idk i want to know to

  2. myth

  3. I have read quite a few articles and references in books to the skulls and I don't think they are fake...I think a cover-up or cop-out is orchestrated here, basically some scholars say the are authentic and others say they are fake... I say the ones who are saying they are fake are being coersed by the powers that be to dismiss them, as they don't want the public to be aware of whatever they have really discovered about the enigma of the skulls...

    I have the same feeling about the face on Mars, we are being lied to for the same reasons they are feeding us bull S**t about the skulls...

    In Light... )O(      

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