
Do you think that the BC lions are going to go 18 - 0 this season???

by  |  earlier

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  1. No, since Saskatchewan took the Lions down 2 days ago.  The injuries to QBs Dave Dickenson and Buck Pierce were BC's downfall.  #3 QB JAckson missed too many open receivers and the offense sputtered.  Over the course of the season, however, I expect the Lions to go 15-3 or 14-4 and make a strong run to another Gray Cup.

  2. No, and it'd be horrible to do that. You remember two seasons ago when the Leos were undefeated deep into the season? that did not work out too well.

    I think it's better to have a bit of adversity to be able to win it all in the end.

    Honestly, their D is going to have to carry them this season as the offensive line still looks bad (as it was even during the Grey Cup year).

  3. Considering how inconsistent every other team in the league appears to could happen, yes...if the stars align just right.

    The problem is actually getting them to align as it is a long season.  Injuries and fatigue will affect the Leos play, sooner or later...doesn't mean they will lose because of that mind you, but if an injured Lion team goes into Calgary to face a healthier Stampeder squad...all bets are off.  Also, in my recollection, most teams will come out "flat" at least once or twice a year...again, depending on the opponent they may still survive this, but if they play the Tiger-Cats we saw last Thursday who were firing on all cylinders...

    Long story short (too late)...odds are not good, but yes it is possible.  If/when they do lose, though, Chris Berman will bring the attention to them in the US just as he did last year, I'm sure...

  4. Get real, no team goes undefeated.......even the edmonton eskimoes and the Bombers in their greatest of years never went undefeated.....however the Bombers went nearly 2 years without losing on the road and thats a record that may never be broken...sorry to say but BC is not THAT good....and besides they will lose about 4 games this year.

  5. BC Lions all the way, undefeated and the Grey Cup champion.

  6. It's nice to dream but injuries will take their toll.  Also you have to consider there are some teams who will play the Lions enough to figure out how to stop them.  And then there's those wild CFL finishes where the home team pulls it together and ekes out a win in the dying seconds.

    As a fan I'm sure you're hoping but as a realist I'm saying don't bet the farm on it.

    Lions are a good club though.  They certainly seem to be the elite of the league right now.

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