
Do you think that the Council was right to paint over this "Street Art" .It's supposedly worth millions

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  1. Yes.I'm an artist and I see it like this.If my art is expressed through graffiti I must accept the manner in which all graffiti is dealt with otherwise it stops being graffiti.

  2. It is art. It is also graffitti. And its wrong to paint on someone else's building without permission. But if I owned one of those buildings I would not let the Council paint it over. So it boils down to , do the owners want the art painted over? If they do, then the Council is within its rights to do so. If they do not, then the Council should not do it.

       BTW, that artwork really is terrific. I do hate to see it painted over. Maybe building owners ought to put up some sort of notice giving him permission to paint.

  3. They should have cashed in on the paint job. They could have spent the proceeds on something worthwhile. Or had another cheese and wine bash.

  4. Id like to paint Islington with Napalm

  5. He is a grafetti artist - this is what he expects.

  6. Keeps it well covered for future generations. If, after a few decades, it outlives present day "spot values", they can uncover it with a flourish and thank the council for saving such "Art".

  7. I think his work is fantastic - he comes from Bristol where I live and there are many many of his paintings across the city - which are left there rather than being painted over.  I have to say though, I am not sure I would want the side of my house painted without my knowledge!

  8. its bad because it was a nice piece but why should it be one rule for him one rule for everyone else?

  9. I think his art is brilliant. I like the man's style.

    He could do my house anytime.

    Unfortunately the residents complained and as they pay their taxes the council were obliged to act.

    It is more than graffiti in my opinion. Graffiti is mindless rubbish but his art is just thought provoking.

  10. Did they ask and get permeation to put the painting there in the street or they just go & paint it there because they felt to paint there? If they just take it on here own to put it there then I would say SO WHAT?. There are two words call  LAW & ORDER and it should be observed @ all times by every body

    so that's where it is & that's how it is!.

  11. It's their job !  Why can't banksy paint walls that people want him to paint

  12. he can come and paint on my house or garden wall anytime he likes.  Makes a change from some of the stuff you see wrote all over the place

  13. No this is thought provoking art not graffitti! I bet if it was normal graffitti they council wouldnt have painted over it for years cos of costs!

  14. No, if it brightens people's lives up what's the harm. Pity they weren't a bit quicker cleaning the streets up.

  15. Yes - because it's THEIR property and it may be lovely to look at but it's STILL graffiti! If councils DON'T do this, it's sending a clear message to the neds that it's OK to daub and tag every wall space.

  16. Fools! Their property had probably doubled in value.

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