
Do you think that the Feds should just murder conspiracy theorists like murdered Bill Cooper

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Bill Cooper believed that globalist bankers were trying to create New World Order and a bunch of other crazy things. He predicted two months before 9/11 that a major terrorist attack would be staged and the government would blame Osama bin Laden. cooper 9/11&vt=lf&hl=en

The police then staked him out and murdered him on his property. Should the Feds just murder conspiracy theorists like Bill Cooper?




  1. Wouldn't that be like thought-police?

    No thanks, just let the people think what crazy thoughts they want, it's their right. Just like it's your right to roll your eyes.

  2. As much and I love reading fiction, claiming this as fact would be a misstep.  

  3. It is great to hear Mr. Cooper met his eternal reward, the world is a better place with out him. Let me know who did the deed so his lawyer can get paid.

  4. I like how the population is taught not to be skeptical of its government.

  5. No Dude. But the Feds will do as they wish. Remember, JFK knew that the elite global freaks were trying to create a New World Order. He spoke of it. U can find it on You Tube if U look. If they can take out JFK and get away with it and have the media cover it up for 50 years, whats a few conspiracy theorists in the mix?

    Peeps need get off the fluoride & prescription antidepressants to clear up their minds to see what is obvious before them. 911 was an inside job. New World order is real. They are now building the police state in America which they require to roll the new world order train along the tracks a little faster. All of this is provable and real. Peeps dont know about it cuz our media is the most heavily censored in the free world. It isnt the govt doing the censoring directly. It is the corporate stooges that control the media & the govt.

    Watch this film about the merger of media & govt to insulate your mind from any further media manipulation. It will knock your sox off.

    If we keep letting the media freaks convince us of a false reality then we are certain to end up here

    T'is time for the sheeple to awaken and help save America.

  6. Man are you gullible.

  7. You know I feel like there has got to be at least two sides to every story

  8. Well I have no idea who bill cooper is. But if he was a danger to our country then well, you get what you get. But if he just predicted it and told some one to warn them, then no, he should not have been killed.

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