
Do you think that the Left wing is jealous of McCain's Military service?

by Guest66624  |  earlier

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and that is why they keep ripping on him about it? It's something McCain in his pocket that Obama could NEVER have. Let's face it, McCain is respected and you cannot begrudge his service to this country. Do you think the Obama supporters are just jealous, so they have to rip him down? Let's face it, If that were me, it would be the defining moment in my life, a time I would NEVER forget. Why do they take that away from him? Would they be saying the same if it were their grandfather who was in a POW camp for so long, or would THAT make them proud?




  1. McCain is trashing the importance of that service by using it to deflect deserved criticism.

    He's becoming a joke... I hope he keeps playing the POW card and making a fool of himself.  

    When Obama needled him about stupidly claiming he didn't know who many houses he and the wife had: POW card

    When Eliz. Edwards criticized his so call health care plan: POW card

    When reporters asked questions about his first wife: POW card.

    See a pattern?

  2. Yes they are. No, Conservatives were not jealous of John Kerry. LOL  If anything, veterans couldn't stand the lying SOB.

    Don't take talk radio's word on Kerry, or even the Swiftboat Vets word on Kerry.  Take Kerry's word... watch the d**k Cavett show he was on back on 73. Think it's on youtube somewhere.  Traitorous MF.

  3. The left wing doesn't rip on McCain about his service.

    so your whole premise is null

  4. It's not jealousy; It's spite.  The Left Wing trotted out their own Vietnam veteran four years ago and saw him ripped apart by conservatives who supposedly supported our military.  Maybe they would have understood if those same conservatives weren't defending a guy who went into the National Guard only to get out of being drafted to Vietnam and even then barely showed up to fulfill his commitment.  The left is using the lesson from the right in 2004 that there is nothing sacred about military service.

  5. Conservatives join the military.  Libs call them baby killers and protest against them every chance they get.  What do you expect?

  6. the left wing is not jealous of mccains military service.

  7. How quickly we forget the past..

    Remember the 2004 election, when that joke of a candidate, John Kerry, was nominated?  Right...then every conservative based media source, and one book, completely bashed him for his Vietnam military experience?  

    Welcome to politics...

  8. That's what happens when you run an empty suit against a war hero.  Yes, they are.  

    Who is Obama?  Even after Michelle's spiel, I still don't know.

  9. You have hit on something I think is true. The liberals would love to have someone who is running for president who has a well known military service in their background. Too bad for them they can't find someone from the military that is that liberal. And let's face it Wesley Clark is just a Kook and a turn coat.

    What happened to McCain showed the man's character. While in the Hanoi Hilton, he put others first. What a quality to have as a leader and president!  

  10. What?  wrecking 5 airplanes and getting put in a box for 5 and a half years? This makes him distinguished?

    Lloyd Bensten flew B 24s as did George McGovern as pilots.

    James Webb, commissioned Marine Officer, professor, author and former  Secretary of the Navy is also a distinguished vet.

    Actually Republicans in the House and Senate are WAY outnumberd by Democratic legislators who served in the Military.

    I would leave the POW issue out of it.

      I don't consider McCain trustworthy, no matter how " qualified" he may seem.

    Remember this is Mr " Keating 5 " who wants to privatize Social Security.

    I don't care for his support of the Bush agendas and policies.

    But its more McCain is dangerous and flat wrong for the US.

  11. As a veteran myself, I honor McCain's service to his country. But I don't think it should ever excuse to keep him from answering questions that we as voters need to know to make an informed decision for president. Check out any interview, whenever he gets asked a tough question, he reverts to bringing up his POW experience, regardless of how relevent it happens to be.

    I just don't think McCain should be immune from criticism because he was a POW at one time.

  12. Absolutely not jealous. However, he's using it an an excuse for every flub that he makes. Its getting ridiculous.  

  13. Then I guess the right wing was jealous of Kerry??

    What are you talking about? I didn't change my answer.

  14. No... people such as Hillary disdain the military, requesting as first lady that military uniforms be banned from the white house.

    While at the same time liberals in San Francisco disdain the military to the point that recruiters have been forbid to appear in local schools and in the public.

    I do not believe that the left wing is a bit jealous of McCain's military service... They love Barac because he hates America.

  15. All due respect to John McCain for serving the country, but the fact of the matter is that being a war hero does automatically qualify you for the presidency, unless it's 1789 and your name is George Washington.

    Furthermore, that John McCain has repeatedly cited his POW status in the presidential race (ie: "To accuse John McCain, A WAR HERO, of having advanced knowledge of the questions at Saddleback..." - that's an actual statment the McCain camp released) as a means to deflect crticism, dishonors each and every American Prisoner of War who was detained, who died, or who returned to normal life without expecting any special treatment because of what they went through.  

    John McCain plays the War Hero card.

  16. The "Left Wing" does not put down McCain because of his military service; they just claim that military service alone is not a criterion for someone being qualified as being President.

    As stated above, when John Kerry ran for president, his military service was scrutinized, despite the Republican candidate being given a rich man's son's post in the National Guard during the war.

    Were you one of the ones who ripped Kerry for his service record? If so, you are a hypocrite.

  17. Obama no military service.  Biden dodged the draft during Viet Nam with an asthma wheezing deferment.

  18. The same thing happened to Kerry, who is also a decorated war veteran- the reps pushed that Swift Boat group and launched an attack on Kerry. Now that it is McCain, he's not supposed to be criticized or attacked w.r.t. what he did during his military service? I don't envy anyone who goes to war, and I can only imagine what those people have gone through in their lives. If you really think about it, war is not a necessity, and there really is no need for all of those people (Kerry and McCain included) to have endured the horror of it all. And yet we continue to encourage war and bask in its glory for whatever reasons, never learning anything from our past! Why do you worship the military? Do you realize that you are living in a military industrial complex? That's not a good thing, in case you didn't know....

  19. Not at all...

    But it should be emphasized that although McCain had the unfortunate tragedy of being a POW, his Military career was not spectacular at all and he received special treatment being the son and grandson of Admirals.

  20. No you see it only comes up every 4th election When the daft dodger said he hated the U S military [old do it for me Billy boy] it was fine When  Kerry stood up and said ''reporting for duty '' wow we have a war hero

    Mr ''when i was in Vietnam '' was just great with them

    H W Bush was shoot down in WW2 ''who cares''

    Bob Dole lost 5 lbs of flesh in WW2 ''who cares''

    If Hillary runs next it well be time for her to tell us how she alone toke out doz of snipers

  21. Was the right wing jealous of John Kerry's military service? McCain uses his POW experience as a shield and it's getting old.

    McCain was not the only POW and, as in last night's exchange with Leno, being a POW is not the appropriate answer to a question concerning how many homes you own.  

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