
Do *you* think that the Obama Campaign had anything to do with the Sarah Palin pregnancy rumors?

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The Daily Kos published the accusation that Sarah Palin is not the mother of Trig Palin, a baby with Down's Syndrome. The Daily Kos said that Palin faked the pregnancy to shield her teen daughter, who was allegedly, according to the Daily Kos, the baby's real mother.

Other pro-Obama websites cackled with glee. They were very happy to see a Christian woman caught in a lie. They said that the McCain/Palin ticket would soon go down in flames.

Obama supporters posted this stuff, but do *you* think that the Obama campaign had anything to do with this? Or were Obama supporters acting independently of his campaign?

And, will we ever find out, one way or the other, if the campaign had anything to do with this?




  1. do you think the other campaigns have anything to do with the Muslim rumors, the bill ayers c**p,the hate america c**p,the he wasnt born in america c**p

  2. Its kinda funny cause I read an article that was bad mouthing Sarah for haivng a kid so late in life...raising he chance of down syndrome..and then in another they claim its not hers.

    Which is it dems? Either she had a baby late in life with down syndrome....or its not hers which case we have to ask...why would it have down syndrome if it was in fact her young healthy daughters child?

  3. I don't think so.  There are enough people with twisted imaginations and a devotion to their chosen that the campaign itself probably didn't need to dirty its fingers.

  4. The media and the left don't need help from Obama. But it shows what a bunch of losers they are.

  5. It isn't a rumor, everyone deserves to know ..

  6. Yes.

  7. That's what happens when you don't 'vet' a candidate when you pick her after meeting her in a bar one lonely night in Wasilla...

  8. This all goes to show that McCain made little effort to learn about Sarah Palin before selecting her as VP. In this day and age, that's pretty bad.

  9. I'm sure its a load of dung but even if 100 doctors testified under oath there would still be people that would assassinate Palin's character because she scares them with the notion that maybe she could help McCain win the election, its no different than all of the c**p about Obama being g*y.

  10. I doubt it.  If this was traced back to his campaign it would cost him the election.  More like the kind of crackpot conspiracy stuff dispensed by whatever crawls out from under the rocks around election time.

    How many times does Obama's name get dragged through the mud, he's a muslim, he was born in Kenya, and isn't really a citizen.  etc.

    It's the desperate work of people who have no faith in their own candidate.

  11. No,

    The press has been sent up to Alaska to find out about her.

    This is part of the vetting process by the press. They have gone up to Alaska and this was one of the rumors that was going around in the local area. The rumor was never posted in the local papers but when the govenor announced her pregnancy at 7 months, the universal reaction was shock. Her staff had no idea. Combined with the fact that her daughter had been out of school for 5 months. People started talking. So when the press went up there they heard about it.

    Kos has posted a picture this morning of Sarah Palin looking very pregnant in April, essentially stopping the story. So alot of dust kicked up over nothing. (though of course you have some that insist she is wearing one of those sympathy bellies!)

    when you have a virtual unknown come out on the national scene, it's gonna happen.

  12. of course they did, just like they started all the stuff about hillary.

    did you hear the conversation that Don Fowler the ex head of the DNC? he was caught on a guys cell phone saying that God was on their side by creating the hurricane to shut down the RNC.


    democrats are cheering thousands of people loosing their homes so they can win the presidency.


  13. racists are always doing this kind of stuff....

  14. Perhaps not the official campaign, but certainly Obama's supporters.

    For all the whining they do about the unfair campaign tactics of the Republicans, the Democrats and their supporters are far from pure and innocent.

  15. No. I do not think so.  Were Republicans behind the swift boating of Kerry?

  16. No. This isn't  something put out by the Obama campaign. Let's face it politicians are celebrities, and people wonder about them. I wonder about any mother of a four month old who contemplates running for a national office.

  17. Obama has 'volunteers' who dream this up for him so he will not have to get his hands dirty.  

  18. Who cares? It's just another case of teenage pregnancy, if it's anything.

  19. it's an effective tatic to get many mothers of minor children to swear

    off the democrat party for life!

  20. Whoever is doing it doesn't care that they are hurting an innocent child...How do you think that teenage girl is taking this?...They don't like the mother, so they destroy the child to hurt the mother?...How much lower can you get?

    @John Gibson: Hillary's supporters started those things...Some of them were even linked to her campaign (the 'muslim garb' picture emails), and I think it was Obama's own Minister who started the 'hate America' thing, with his "God d**n America"

  21. Politics get dirty. I doubt we will find a direct link to it, if it was.

    I think Obama is dirty. I dont think he is that dirty. ( I would hope not)

    However the DNC< and RNC can act independently.  

  22. Crazy liberals who have drank Obama's Kool-Aid feel compelled to do his dirty work for him.

  23. I have been looking into this matter about Sarah telling lies about baby Trig and not once has Obama's name been mentioned.

    This has NOTHING to do with Obama.

    We independents are NOT dumb you know.

    We DO KNOW how to find out information on our own.

    UNLIKE the republican supporters (eg Bush & McCain) who need to be told and shown everything twice or three times before they GET IT.

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