
Do you think that the Redwings signed their own death certificate by denting the Stanley cup ?

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I hope so !




  1. The Dent Probally Made the Stanley Cup Look Even Better.. Woot Woot

    So Sorry Buddy that your Team didn't get the Cup this Year.. There's Always 10 yrs from now or something that your team could get the Cup a?  No Hard Feelings  Bro


  2. im pretty sure a dent is smaller then the calder cup falling apart during the celebration

  3. The cup got thrown into Mario Lemieux's swimming pool among other things...if the cup could talk I can only imagine the stories it would tell....

    I'm sure the dent is not the worst thing thats ever happened to it.

  4. Do you honestly think the Red Wings are the first team to dent Lord Stan?

    If so, you apparently are new to the sport......

  5. what?!!!?

    are you a bounty hunter or something?

    this question sounds WAY more serious, than it should be. their own "death certificate". you are taking superstitions to an all new level. w/ your sense of karma, half of competitive sports and its athletes would be "dead". but ironically, so would you, since you wished it upon them.

    it would be very hard for you to convince us that you are familiar w/ Stanley Cup celebrations and what players have done over the years as they've spent their summers w/ the Cup.

  6. Naaa.........just put our mark on it like other clubs have done before.........

  7. You hope so?? HOW COULD YOU!

  8. I thought Cheli had something to do with the new dent? So what if he signed his own death certificate...? Most people would be thrilled to have lived and seen dinosaurs walk the earth. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

  9. Do you have a dent in your head?

  10. They did? Geez, Osgood must have been going heavy with that thing!

  11. Yeah, because Messier and Parros are dead, right?

    Quit being a blind hater.  It's annoying.

    I bought the Finals on iTunes last week ($10), went out and bought an S-Video cord, an audio Y-cord, and hooked my laptop up to one of my TV's.  I watched Game 6 on my television, I was happy, and it was pretty cheap to do to.

    I watched Sidney get lit up by Stuart 10 or 11 times, that was AWESOME.

  12. like everyone has said it has been dropped a large amount of times. o and to those of you who dont know what happened... at chelis chilli bar in detroit after the parade.. chelios wass handing the cup to lebda.. they were both drunk and they were on the bar and oops... it dropped and dented it... they had to take it to joe louis and do emergency repairs on it.... but its ok not hahah

  13. No but Tiger Woods is out for the year after insulting Lord Stanleys players,and disrespecting the game.Wooooooooooooooo.Think about it!

  14. No. . . There have been huge accidents with emergency repairs by silversmiths and metal-workers throughout the history of the cup.  It has been cracked, beaten, tossed, sh** in, drunk from. . . it was a baptismal pool once or twice. . . A little dent is nothing in the history of the cup.

  15. If that's true, then so did any team that won a cup had the player(s) who did cause damage to it also signed their own death certificate.

  16. FNaaa nanaaaa... I'm stupid.  I'm jealous because the Red Wings won the Cup and will try to hate on them in any way possible.

    Get over yourself.  This happens all the time.  Parros dented it last year, Messier lost it in '94, someone dropped it in Lemieux's pool, others have dented it far worse.  The trophy is over 100 years old and its 35 pounds.  I'd like to see you try to lift the thing when you are drunk.  You probably couldn't do it while sober.

  17. It's well known that the Stanley Cup has been through a lot over the years.  Apparently, after the Rangers won the Cup in 1994, it took quite a bit of abuse and needed some major repairs.

    This is just all part of being the Stanley Cup!  Hockey trophies are like hockey players, they can take some abuse!

  18. I won't believe that they dented the Stanley Cup until I see some offical news story or something pf the like on that...if it is true then haven't other teams done that before? You probably just hate the Red Wings :(

  19. they did! when?

  20. There is still a noticable DENT in it called the "Parros dent" from last year, it happens all the time!

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