
Do you think that the US is becoming a police state, why or why not with specific examples?

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Do you think that the US is becoming a police state, why or why not with specific examples?




  1. The Vietnam War: I never knew you could go invade a sovereign nation because you don't like their government.

    Iran: Once again, I never knew you could throw out governments you didn't like and set up dictatorships.

    Iraq: Once more, I never knew you could throw out governments you don't like.  

  2. It is under Bush.  The US now does thing only the Gestapo did.  Bush's Patriot Act is largely to blame.  Congress recently passed a law exempting all the phone companies from their illegal wiretapping of us for the last 7 years.  Baracka voted for this un-Godly law.  Google "total information awareness" if you want to see just how bad it is.

    All of our telephone and electronic communications are stored so that the government can access this information at any time.  Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves.

  3. Though technology gives law enforcement and government advanced capabilities to monitor citizens and enforce laws, the respect for civil rights by many of those agencies are much better than what they were 40 years or more ago.  If you had asked that question then many would say a resounding yes.  There are isolated incidents which people are dominated by police, but these are few.

    The concern of the future is what will a change in government bring with the technology?  We could possibly be in the 'Big Brother' age if a global government is ever established; and which seems the direction we are heading.  

  4. Go to China

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